Chapter 18 - Drunk

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Avi's POV

The second that I hear him leave the house, I can tell that he will come back drunk. I shudder and lean my head against the cold stone wall of the basement, sighing and closing my eyes. I've lost track of time, but I must have been here for about a day now.

So far, he hasn't come down to check on me again, but when he comes back from the pub I already know what will happen. Just like in my childhood, he's going to come back and use me as a punchbag.

My mind begins to wander, and my heart starts aching when I think about Kirstie. I wonder what she's doing right now. Is she worried about me? And what about Kevin? He's probably happy, he hates me so much now...

I must have fallen asleep thinking about everything, because the next thing I know I am jolted awake by the sound of thunderous footsteps coming down the stairs to the basement.

He's drunk. Oh God.

Horrible memories begin flooding back to me, and my heart starts pounding against my chest, clammy sweat beading on my forehead.

A few seconds later, he comes staggering into the room, swaying unsteadily on his feet. I try to back away from him, but terror seizes my body and paralyzes me.

He thunders towards me and uses his forearm to push me backwards and pin me against the wall by my neck. I struggle and gasp for air, his arm pushing against my throat and stopping me from breathing.

"Let - me - go!" I manage to get out in-between gasps.

His eyes darken in anger, and he lifts his fist and takes a swing at me face. It hits me square in the jaw, causing me to flinch in surprise and pain.

I feel blood begin to fill my mouth, and in a sudden rush of anger, before I can stop myself, I spit it at my dad.

The red liquid splatters onto his face, and that seems to be the last straw.

"Right..." He growls, the stench of alcohol emanating off his breath.

He delivers another hard punch to my chest, and I double over in pain, coughing and spluttering. He takes the opportunity to shove me to the floor and aim kicks at every part of my body that he can.

Agony shoots through my body, but somehow, the pain doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Because now, I have a tiny glimmer of hope to hang onto. I know that the others will be doing everything they can to find me.

I try to block out the pain by thinking about when I get out of here. I'll get to see Kirstie again. The thought sends a small smile across my lips, and my dad seems to notice it.

"What are you smiling about?" He says, narrowing his eyes angrily.

With all the defiance I can muster up, I reply with Mitch-like sassiness, "Nothing that you would understand."

He grunts in anger, and the next thing I know, his foot smashes hard into my head. A slight moan of pain escapes my throat as I feel blood immediately being to trickle down my face.

Consciousness doesn't last long after that, and within a few seconds I feel reality start to fade. The last thing I'm aware of is my dad pulling his phone out and taking another picture of me, before I give into the all-consuming darkness.

Hunted - A Pentatonix / Avi Kaplan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें