Chapter 10 - Hospital Escape

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Avi's POV

I watch silently as Scott and Mitch run out of the room, terrified thoughts running through my mind.

They aren't actually gonna post that video, are they?  What if Kevin sees it? What if my dad sees it?

Kirstie seems to pick up on my worry, and says, "Don't worry, they won't have the guts to put it on Youtube."

I nod slowly, but I can't quite bring myself to believe her. Scott and Mitch have done a lot of stupid things before when they've gotten carried away in the moment.

Kirstie and I sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before my phone suddenly buzzes. I turn it on to see that I have a text from an unfamiliar number.

I frown and unlock my phone, and my heart stops for a second when I see the message on the screen.

I know where you are, and I know who you're with. I would be very careful if I were you. You don't want your pretty little girlfriend to get hurt, do you?

My heart starts pounding against my chest, and I can feel cold sweat breaking out on my forehead. I know exactly who this is. It's him. And he knows where I am, and he knows about Kirstie.

"No, no, no..." I whisper, shaking my head desperately as a sob escapes my throat.

"Avi?" Kirstie asks anxiously.

I hand my phone over to her, and she goes pale as she reads the message.

"Is it from... Him?" She asks, swallowing nervously.

I nod, burying my face in my hands and silently crying. This can't be happening. It can't...

Kirstie wraps her arms around me comfortingly, but it doesn't do anything to help calm me down. My whole body trembles, and my breaths come in short jagged bursts, causing agony to shoot through my chest.

"Calm down, Avi." Kirstie says soothingly, gently rubbing my back.

"I have to get out of here- he knows where I am- I can't stay here!"

I try to get up, but Kirstie holds me down.

"Avi, you're hurt. There's no way I'm letting you get up and walk around." She says sternly.

"You don't understand- he knows where I am! He's going to come for me, I know he will!" I say, tears running down my face.

"They won't let him into the hospital, there's security here."

"They'll allow him in. He's my father; they won't be able to stop him from seeing me."

"Oh..." Kirstie bites her lip, looking at me anxiously.

"I have to get out of here. Please, Kirstie, help me get out." I plead desperately.

She sighs, and says, "Fine."

She helps to ease me up into a sitting position, and I slowly get off the bed. Even just the movement of standing up is extremely painful, and my legs are shaky and weak underneath me. Kirstie wraps an arm around me to keep me upright, and she helps me get changed into my own clothes.

She winces slightly at the sight of the prominent scar on my stomach and the bloodied bandage on my chest.

"I don't want you to get hurt anymore, Avi..." She says quietly, her fingers gently tracing the scar along my stomach.

"I won't, don't worry." I reply, gently kissing the top of her head.

She helps me to pull on my shirt and jeans as quickly as possible without aggravating the wound on my chest. She keeps her arm around me to support me as we leave the room.

We walk silently and slowly through the empty hallways, until we finally reach the busy reception area just behind the exit of the hospital.

"Okay, you have to act as normal as possible. We don't want to attract any attention." Kirstie whispers to me.

I nod and straighten up, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my chest. As we walk through, I suddenly spot Scott and Mitch standing near the entrance. They look up and notice us, surprised expressions appearing on their faces.

Kirstie discreetly beckons them over, and they quickly jog over to us.

"Avi! What the hell are you doing?!" Mitch hisses quietly.

I sigh, "Long story short, my pyscho dad knows that I'm here, so I have to escape from this hospital."

"Uh- okay. We won't ask any questions." Scott says, looking slightly bewildered.

Kirstie nods, "Thanks. Now let's get out of here."

Scott and Mitch follow close behind us as Kirstie supports me as we quickly walk out of the hospital. Kirstie quickly hails a taxi; and just in time too, as I feel myself getting light-headed and exhausted.

I stumble slightly, my legs weak, but luckily Scott catches me and helps me to stay standing.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea for you to walk around..." Kirstie sighs.

I can't muster up the energy to reply to her, so I just lean heavily on Scott until the taxi pulls up in front of us. Scott and Kirstie quickly help me to get in, and Mitch tells the driver the address of our hotel.

I realise that Kirstie was probably right; I shouldn't have walked around. My head pounds and my chest throbs dully. I feel myself getting more and more light-headed, until I begin to slip from consciousness, my eyelids getting heavy.

I finally give in to the exhaustion, and let myself submit to the bliss of unconsciousness.

Hunted - A Pentatonix / Avi Kaplan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now