Chapter 7 - Betrayal

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Kevin's POV

I sit on a bench outside the entrance of the hospital, still fuming after what I saw. I can't believe that Avi would make a move on Kirstie like that. She's mine.

I hate him so much...

I suddenly feel someone sit down next to me, and I shuffle over slightly to make room for them. I glance up, but do a double-take when I realise that the man next to me looks extremely similar to Avi.

He has the same jaw-line and mouth as Avi, although his eyes are completely different. He notices me staring, and says, "Something wrong?"

"Uh- no, you just look really similar to somebody I know."

"Oh, I see. You seem a bit distracted. Something wrong?"

He has a strangely persuasive vibe about him, and before I realise what I'm doing, I'm telling him everything. All about Avi getting shot, and more importantly about him kissing Kirstie.

"He sounds like a douche." The guy says.

"Yeah..." I nod, happy that someone agrees with me.

"I'm guessing you want to get back at him then?"

"Of course."

"Well... Maybe I could help you with that." He says, smiling.

"Um..." I give him a confused look.

"Oh, sorry, I never did introduce myself did I? I'm David Kaplan." He smiles.

"Kaplan?" I ask, "You... You're Avi's dad?"

"Yes. And I happen to know a very good way that you could get revenge on Avi." He smiles slyly.

"Well... What would that involve?" I ask carefully.

"We could make a 'deal'. You give me information on where he is, and I'll find him and make sure that he pays for what he's done." He says, chuckling lightly.

I bite my lip, considering this. Part of me is telling me not to; this could be dangerous. Avi could get seriously hurt. But, isn't that what I want? He made out with my long-time crush. He betrayed me; he made a fool of me.

In a fit of anger, I say, "Deal."

"Great!" He grins.

He pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles something onto it. As he hands it to me, he says, "You can't back out of the deal."

I look at the piece of paper, and a phone number has been scrawled onto it. I grin and nod, but when I look up, he's already gone.

Well, I've made the deal, so I might as well stick to the 'bad guy' role. I'm going to make Avi's life hell. He's going to pay for what he did with Kirstie.

I stride back inside the hospital; I'm going to teach Avi a lesson. I somehow manage to find my way to his room, and I shove the door open to see that only Avi is inside. Perfect.

He notices me, and quickly says, "Hey, Kevin, you know earlier-"

I cut him off by going up to his bed and grabbing him by his collar and shoving him up against the wall.

He cries out in pain, his hand going to his chest as coughs rack his body.

"Listen, Avi. You stay away from Kirstie. She's mine." I spit.

"What? What do you mean, she's yours?"

"You know damn well what I mean." I say, pushing him harder against the wall.

He whimpers in pain and squeezes his eyes shut. This power feels so good.

"Do... Do you like Kirstie?" He asks, his voice scared and quiet.

"Yes. So, if I were you, I would back off."

"Please just let go of me," He whimpers, tears catching in his eyelashes as he breathes heavily.

"Stay away from Kirstie." I say as I let him fall back onto the pillow.

His hand clutches at his chest, and he's obviously in extreme pain. I smile to myself; that's what he deserves.

I hear him quietly sobbing as I leave the room. Revenge is sweet.

Just wanted to quickly say that I'm sorry for making Kevin evil xD I don't have anything against Kevin, I love him, but I wanted one of the main characters to be evil in this >:D

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