Chapter 22 - It's Over

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Avi's POV

I'm so exhausted, both physically and mentally.

My anxiety and nightmares have been getting worse and worse, to the point where the line between reality is starting to become blurred. None of this is helped by the fact that I can't move an inch without my whole body protesting in agony.

I suddenly hear footsteps coming down towards the basement, but I can't tell if they are real or if I'm imagining them. My dad hasn't been out drinking; why would he be coming down?

It turns out that I wasn't imagining it, as a few moments later the door to the basement creaks open, and my dad walks in.

"Why are you here?" I say, my voice hoarse and croaky. I know that I'm probably testing my luck, but at this point I'm past caring.

"Shut up." He growls. I realise that he's hiding something behind his back, but I don't take much notice of it.

"You aren't drunk; why are you here?" I say, raising an eyebrow defiantly.

"Shut your mouth." He says, and I can tell that I'm really starting to anger him now.

"Make me." I blurt out. The instant the words leave my mouth, I immediately know that I'm gonna regret them.

"Alright..." He growls, his eyes darkening. He brings his hands round from behind his back, to reveal something that makes my stomach drop.

A knife.

My heart pounds hard against my ribcage, and sweat immediately begins to drip down my forehead. Is he going to kill me?

He smirks and begins to move forwards, the blade of the knife pointed directly towards me. I try to get up and back away, but my legs are too weak to carry me.

"If I were you, I would watch my mouth," He smirks evilly, "You wouldn't want to end up like your mother, would you?"

The mention of my mother sparks something inside me that I haven't felt for a while. Anger.

"Don't you dare even mention her name." I say, looking him straight in the eye, my voice dangerously low.

"Why not? Because I killed her? Well, her death was just as much your fault as mine." He grins.

"Wh-What?" I stutter, my eyes widening slightly.

"You didn't stop me from killing her, therefore you are also to blame for her death." He leans in towards me and hisses quietly, "You killed her."

"STOP! STOP IT!" I yell, unable to take it any longer, "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED HER! YOU KILLED YOUR OWN WIFE!"

"Yes, but you could have stopped me. But instead you chose to watch as your own mother died right in front of you." He says.

By this point, tears are dripping fast down my face. I swallow and quickly wipe my eyes. Why am I showing so much weakness?

"Stop," I beg, my voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper, "Stop it, please..."

He hesitates for only a second before repeating one more time, "You killed her."

That one phrase pushes me past my break point. Ignoring the horrible pain that it causes me, I lift my fist and take a swing at his face. All of the pent up anxiety, stress and anger that I've been keeping in for so long is finally released.

A satisfying crunching noise echoes around the basement when my fist comes into contact with him. He staggers backwards, caught off-guard by my sudden attack. But my blow did nothing more than briefly stun him, and now I have to deal with the consequences.

He quickly recomposes himself, his eyes glowering with fury as he grips the knife hard in his hand.

I think I may have screwed up.

My reflexes act before my brain, and I instinctively try to back away from him, but within a few moments I'm backed up in the corner. He pins me down against the floor, his hand pressed firmly against my chest.

I consider trying to put up a fight, but I soon realise that it'll do me no good. He has a knife; there's no way I could win here.

"Right..." He breathes angrily, "I think it's time to teach you a bit of a lesson."

He proceeds to roll up the left sleeve of my shirt, and before I have time to realise what he's doing, the knife is already only inches away from my arm.

My whole body tenses as the blade sinks into my flesh, an ice cold shock sent through my veins.

He grins, and begins slashing at my arm furiously.

Gasps and sobs of agony escape my throat, my arm feeling like it's been set on fire. He continues slash at the flesh, until my whole forearm has been ripped up by the blade, becoming nothing more than a mess of open flesh and blood.

I begin to tremble uncontrollably, unable to breathe from the sheer agony of it. Hot tears of pain stream down my face, and it's so unbearable that I can't even muster up the breath to cry out in agony. The loss of blood begins to take its effect, and within a few seconds my vision begins to blur and my head throbs horribly.

I manage to focus my vision just enough to see my dad towering over me, his knife pointed directly towards my chest, reading to be plunged down into it.

"Ready to meet the same fate as your mother?" He says, grinning madly.

This is it.

I'm going to die.

A strange sense of calmness washes over me. I know that I'm going to die; my life is out of my hands now. I shut my eyes, submitting to my fate. I just wish that I had a chance to say goodbye to Kirstie...

But there's nothing I can do now.

It's over.

DUN DUN DUN!!!! I'm sorry to leave you guys on such a cliffhanger, but I couldn't help myself xD But hopefully it will get you excited for the next chapter! Will Avi survive?...

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