Ep.1 (1/5)

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Y/n sat in the familiar classroom, her gaze fixed on the chalkboard, lost in her own thoughts. The mundane routine of school had become her daily escape, providing a temporary respite from the loneliness that seemed to engulf her. She had grown accustomed to the feeling of being invisible, blending seamlessly into the background as the days passed by.

As the monotonous hum of students filled the air, a voice broke through the silence, pulling Y/n back to reality. She turned her head to find a girl standing beside her desk, a hopeful smile gracing her features. The stranger's eyes sparkled with genuine warmth, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a flicker of curiosity ignite within her.

"I'm new here," the girl introduced herself, her voice laced with a hint of nervousness. "I was wondering if we could be friends?"

Y/n blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected request. She hesitated, her walls of self-doubt and isolation threatening to push the girl away. But something about her sincere plea stirred a longing within Y/n, a longing to break free from the chains she had wrapped around her own heart.

"You don't want to be friends with me," Y/n replied, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I'm boring, and nobody wants to hang out with someone like me."

The new girl's smile didn't falter. Instead, she pulled out the chair next to Y/n and sat down, refusing to be deterred. "I don't believe that. You seem interesting to me. Besides, everyone deserves a chance at friendship, don't they?"

Y/n regarded her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. No one had ever challenged her self-perception like this before. The new girl's persistence sparked a flicker of hope within Y/n's heart, nudging her to reconsider her own worth.

The classroom buzzed with activity as the new girl leaned in closer, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "Can you tell me more about this school? I heard there's a group of boys called F4 who seem to rule everything. What's their deal?"

Y/n's eyes widened at the mention of F4. They were the undisputed kings of the school, known for their mysterious and enigmatic presence. "F4, huh? They're a group of four boys named Jungwon, Heeseung, Jay, and Niki. They hold immense power and influence over the school, playing a game called the Red Card."

The new girl leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "The Red Card? What's that?"

Y/n took a deep breath, her voice filled with caution. "It's a game they created. They hand out red cards to students they deem unworthy, and once you receive a card, you become a target. The consequences can be severe-social isolation, public humiliation, and sometimes even worse."

The new girl's expression turned serious, but determination still shone in her eyes. "I see. Well, thanks for the warning. But don't worry, Y/n, I'm not one to back down easily. We'll face whatever challenges come our way together."

A warmth spread through Y/n's heart, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. Perhaps there was hope for a different narrative, a chance to forge an unexpected friendship amidst the chaos of high school. As Y/n looked at the new girl beside her, she realized that maybe, just maybe, there was more to her story waiting to be written.

And so, as the classroom continued to buzz with activity, Y/n and the new girl embarked on a journey that would test their strength, resilience, and the power of true friendship. Little did they know that their paths would soon intersect with F4, and their lives would never be the same again.

 Little did they know that their paths would soon intersect with F4, and their lives would never be the same again

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Chaos erupted within the school halls, disrupting the once tranquil atmosphere. Students dashed out of classrooms, their panicked expressions telling a tale of imminent danger. Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, instinctively recognizing the cause behind the frenzy. Someone had received the dreaded red card from F4.

Y/n exchanged a worried glance with Narae, their eyes conveying a shared understanding. Without exchanging a word, they made their way through the tumultuous crowd, determined to witness the unfolding events and offer whatever support they could from the sidelines.

The abandoned stadium stood adjacent to the school, its dilapidated structure mirroring the darkness that seemed to shroud F4's actions. Y/n and Narae stealthily maneuvered through the crowd, finding a vantage point where they could observe without being noticed.

From their secluded spot, they watched as F4, surrounded by a group of eager students, stood at the center of the stadium. The air crackled with a mixture of anticipation and fear, creating an atmosphere that left a bitter taste in Y/n's mouth.

Jungwon, the indomitable leader of F4, stood tall and emotionless as he observed the brutal scene unfolding before him. His fellow members, Heeseung, Jay, and Niki, flanked him, their presence sending shivers down the spines of the onlooking students. They all knew the consequences of going against F4.

In the dimly lit and eerie atmosphere of the abandoned stadium, two students mercilessly beat up a fellow student, their fists raining down upon him. The victim had dared to speak up about the dark secrets hidden within the school's walls but now paid the price for his courage.

Y/n and her friend Narae stood frozen amidst the gathering crowd. Their eyes widened with horror, yet they dared not make a move. Fear gripped their hearts, paralyzing them as they contemplated the potential wrath that awaited anyone who dared to oppose F4.

Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the sickening thuds of punches and the pained cries of the victim. The rest of the students watched, torn between their desire to help and their overwhelming fear of becoming the next target.

As the assault continued, the onlookers couldn't help but feel a mixture of terror and resentment. They despised themselves for their own weakness for being complicit in this twisted system that allowed F4 to reign with impunity.

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