Ep.5 (1/5)

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In the cafeteria, Y/n and Jungwon faced each other amidst the hushed whispers and harsh comments from their fellow students. Jungwon had been listening to the damaging conversations surrounding Y/n, and his frustration reached a breaking point.

"Stop!" he suddenly yelled, causing an abrupt silence to fall over the cafeteria. He then turned to confront Y/n.

"What have you done?" Jungwon demanded, his voice laced with accusation.

Y/n, visibly distressed, quickly responded, "I haven't done anything."

Jungwon pointed at the incriminating pictures and retorted, "No? So what is this?"

Y/n, desperate to clear her name, insisted, "None of it is true. I've been framed. Believe me."

Jungwon, however, didn't appear willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. He grabbed one of the pictures and held it up to her face. "Is this photoshopped? You didn't know better? What's your excuse? Piles of evidence here. Do you think I'm that stupid? I used to think that you'd have more integrity, but that's not true. You're just an easy girl."

Y/n listened to his accusations, her eyes filled with hurt and disbelief. Jungwon then turned to the other students and made a harsh statement, "Who's ready to get down with anyone, anywhere?"

Frustrated and feeling helpless, Y/n shoved Jungwon, yelling, "Hey! You weren't going to listen anyway. If you believed this crap from the get-go, why would you even ask? Nobody cares if this is true or not."

Jungwon pressed on, raising the picture in front of her, and demanded an answer, "Is it you in this picture?"

Y/n, her voice filled with resignation, finally admitted, "It's me."

In a fit of anger, Jungwon crumpled the picture in his hand and threw it in front of Y/n's feet. He then grabbed a table and violently hurled it aside before shooting Y/n one last contemptuous glance and walking away.

The mean girls took this opportunity to approach Y/n, berating her. Mean girl 1, in particular, expressed her disdain, saying, "I knew that you're low, but I didn't think you could be so shameless. Do you have any conscience? Leave and never come back. Go!"

With the weight of their judgment and the cafeteria's accusing stares, Y/n walked away, her reputation tarnished and her heart heavy.

Aera and Y/n, facing the aftermath of the released pictures, were in the midst of a phone call.

Aera expressed her concern, saying, "I've seen the post. This has gone way too far."

Y/n, her voice trembling with stress, replied, "I'm so stressed out. I don't understand how they got these pictures out and why they released them just now."

Aera tried to be helpful, asking, "Have you come up with anything?"

Y/n's response was filled with uncertainty, "Not at all. It's strange. It seems like someone is messing with me."

Meanwhile, Niki and Jay were at the cafeteria, and Jay was taking photos of the picture featuring Y/n.

Niki questioned Jay's intentions, asking, "What are you thinking?"

Jay, with an air of determination, replied, "All I know is someone is thinking we're stupid."

Niki agreed, "That's true."

Back on the phone call, Aera tried to guide Y/n, "But you know what to do next, right?"

Y/n hummed in acknowledgment before saying, "Help me, Aera."

Larer that day, Y/n and Aera had ventured to a club to unwind and potentially discuss their situation further.

The club manager was puzzled by their presence and questioned, "Hold on, what are you doing here?"

Y/n, trying to deflect, answered, "Hanging out."

The club manager, unconvinced, remarked, "That's nuts. Who would believe that?"

Aera chimed in, echoing the sentiment, "I told you... we should've changed."

The club manager wasn't swayed, stating, "That's not going to cut it either. No entry if you're not a member. Go home."

Disappointed, Y/n and Aera turned to leave but unexpectedly bumped into Jay.

The club manager pleaded, "Please excuse these girls."

As Jay conversed with a girl named Bell, Y/n and Aera watched, curious.

Y/n asked Jay, "What are you doing?"

Jay casually replied, "What are you doing?"

Aera chimed in, explaining their presence, "I'm here to help Y/n look into those pictures. You?"

Jay was more cryptic, "I'm a member of this club. Here to have a good time. This is not a place for kids. Go home."

Aera insisted, "I'm not a kid. I was born only 2 years after."

Jay couldn't resist teasing, "That means you're younger anyway, chipmunk."

Aera was quick to respond, "Stop calling me chipmunk."

Jay simply advised them, "If you have a lot of time on your hands, find other things to do."

As he walked away, Y/n asked, "What do you want us to do?"

Jay, still amused by the situation, replied, "I don't know. Find something to eat?"

Aera declared, "We're not hungry."

Just as they denied their hunger, their stomachs rumbled in unison.

Aera teased Y/n, saying, "Y/n, did you hear that?"

Y/n, with a hint of amusement, responded, "Yes, it's yours, right?"

Aera conceded, "It's yours."

While Y/n, Aera, and Jay were navigating their separate paths, Jungwon found himself in a bar with Niki, drowning his sorrows with a drink.

Niki, clearly concerned, confronted Jungwon, "Jungwon, I've been looking all over for you. Why didn't you pick up the phone? Still feeling down? Do you really believe Y/n's photos are real? Jungwon, you can't run from problems forever."

An uncomfortable silence hung between them until Jungwon flung his glass over his shoulder, shattering it on the ground. The signal for another drink was clear.

Niki, seeking to lift Jungwon's spirits, signaled the DJ to lower the music. He then made an announcement, "Everyone, my friend is miserable right now. I'd like everyone to join us in having fun. Order whatever you want to eat or drink. My treat."

The patrons in the bar cheered, and Niki resumed mingling with two girls. One of them inquired, "Your friend is really handsome, but he seems so grouchy. Is he like this all the time?"

Niki offered an insight, "Not this bad. When he gets to this level, no one could stop him."

Meanwhile, Jungwon, in his inebriated state, found himself accompanied by two girls, although he kept pushing them away.

Simultaneously, Jay was engaged in a confrontation with the workers at the club while speaking to the boss about the pictures of Y/n.

Back in the bar, Narae walked in, surprising Niki as she took a seat.

Niki, a bit bewildered, questioned, "Narae?"

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