Chapter 03

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Brown eyes bored into back of her head as she danced with head of the army who is over 30 years elder to her. Smiling a bit she bowed down after a set. As Radha turned around, she saw Rayaan looking at her with narrowed eyes. As another man approached her, she turned away smiling at him. Usha Toshniwal loves dancing, she herself was trained in different western forms as her mother thought they should impress British to stop them from looting .  She wanted people to enjoy dancing, explore their dancing capacity with other partners. Of course it should be decent. With her encouragement, she asked her daughter in laws to join the floor unknown of the desires awaiting in men. Obligiding her orders the wives of the three silent threats joined the dance floor.

Keyur never liked if anyone touched what is his. Both brothers knew its better to eat a bullet than touch what is Keyur's. Sipping away hard whiskey he looked at Sevya politely accepting dance requests from reputed men who couldn't take their eyes off her chest where a bright yellow pendant rested between the valley of her bosoms.

This woman will be the death of half the crowd here. 

Trying to reign his thoughts he looked at his brothers who had similar murdering glare.  Tracking his lady, Keyur felt frustrated, his woman looked ravishing although she didn't take much efforts to get ready. All she had to wear was that single pendant to attract men. But then he looked at his bhabi and little sister who were quite decorated with heavy jewelry,  men made a bee line for them too.

These bloody buggers need a body with bosom and booty!

He huffed as he is now fed up with the amount of men she danced. With long strides, Keyur placed his hands on her waist from behind making her jerk. The man who was holding her hand squirmed away.

"Can you feel me? How hard you make me? Can I get a dance from my woman?." He stressed out last word for her to take a sharp breath as he turned her around to face him.  Sevya looked at him with hooded eyes, as it is her first time tonight to look at him this closely. 

"You may." She said.

People gasped when a man aged around 50 walked inside the grand hall. He has sinister smile on his lips. Adwait was the one to observe his presence and he alerted his brother Rayaan who momentarily took his eyes off Radha.

"Namaste papa." They heard Radha greet him as he hugged her lovingly. A show he loves to put on. Radha was pulled away from the embrace by her husband who gave a curt nod. Srida who had no clue about what is happening here, held Adwait's hand as she felt insecure.

"I see you married him? How much did he promise you?." Srida heard that old man speaking with her. Radha felt a pang of pain with the way her papa addressed newly married sister in law.

" Papa please." Radha said looking at Srida.

" Shut up young lady, your husband did not take anything and demanded to marry you.  He wanted to destroy my ego hence he's not even giving a child." He taunted as Radha took few steps back with the amount of pain she had to endure for her family.

" I gave her enough love and respect which you lacked all these years old man. Don't you dare speak with my little sister in such a tone. Adwait marriage is one big happy occasion for us. Our family never cared what girl is bringing to us. I am glad Radha is not cunning like you. I doubt you are even her father!." Rayaan bombarded standing extremely close to him.

" Mann singh. Looking at Radha I will not touch you today. One more word against our personal life. You will be hanged infront of everyone. Don't bother coming near mine or my brothers family." Rayaan warned clutching his wife's hand. Srida stood in her place looking at her brother in law. Adwait was fuming with anger but he knew taunts regarding on his marriage is nothing compared to snide remarks regarding his brothers personal life.

" Srida, don't think about him.  Come with me." Adwait said taking her away.

Keyur knew something has happened with Mann Singh if not why would his brothers stand in his presence for more than a minute. Not to attract any crowd and take away his mother's happy hours . He held his wife close to him swaying to the music.

"Who is he? Why didn't you say anything?." Srida questioned her husband.

" I couldn't. Not infront of everyone. He will be dealt in my way later." He replied caging her between his arms.

" So whenever anyone talks bad about me you will deal with them later? Am I not important to you more than your family reputation and ego?" Srida questioned him.

"Srida. You are new to this. I respect you more than anything." Adwait tried to reason his silence.

Srida came out of her husband's arms with tears in her eyes. She looked at him one last time before joining back the party where Keyur asked her for a dance. Smiling a bit Adwait saw how she her tears dropped . Keyur had alarming expression on his face but he chose not to react. Anger bubbled in him knowing how Mann singh has power still.

Suddenly there was a commotion at far end of the hall. Slowly people gathered but were too silent.  Keyur along with Radha and Rayaan walked there. Sevya , Srida stood behind not wanting to see what's happening. 

" Papa!." Radha gasped which caused other two ladies to run where the commotion is there.

" You dare talk about women of our house next time! I don't want to even hear my precious wife's name from your mouth from here on.  I have just injured you today. Next time, you will be hanged to death for using your brain to slander my family." With that said Adwait looked at his brothers.  Both of them knew, Adwait's anger cannot be controlled with words. They better leave him to cool down rather question his actions. With blood oozing from Mann singh forehead, he limped out of the manor towards his car. Rayann looked at everyone which made the crowd disappear. 

Srida stood looking at angry Adwait. Whose eyes were on her. She slowly approached him.  Looking at their silent interaction both the brothers left with their wives to explain what happened to their mother who was anxious. 

" I.." She tried to talk.

" Come with me." He commanded holding her hand. She saw bloodied knuckles and felt guilty for her untimely outburst. Not having much to say she walked behind him to their room

" You bring the crazy self out of me Srida. I am man of my words. Never ever cry again. I don't know how much self control I had today to not kill that man." He said joining their foreheads. Tears flowed from her eyes as no one stood for her till now. She never had anyone who could stand for her.

Today she realised. She is safe, in his presence.

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