Chapter 11

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Keyur looked at his wife who is walking around their room with ease. Adwait informed him that Srida met Sevya today during lunch at their house. He raced back home to see this. She did not acknowledge , greet nor look at him atleast. He wanted call her name but who knows what will be her reaction.

For the first time, Sevya could see fear in her husband's eyes. He was too careful for her liking. It has been 10 days since she left him to control her anger.

Keyur knew she wrapped him around her finger this time. Her slightly elevated cheek bones looked full indicating she has relaxed well.

"When was the last time you looked at me?." Keyur questioned making her halt infront of his walk in closet. She didn't try to glance at him.

" When was the last time, you decided to see your husband?." Keyur asked as Sevya rolled her eyes. Ofcourse she loves to look at him.

" You." He said holding her neck from back not giving her a chance to look at him now.

" Have made a grave mistake." He continued.

" Of leaving me." He finished turning her towards him. Facing her husband Sevya looked into his eyes, she could see his desperation. Looseing his hold on her, Keyur stepped close enough to hear her heartbeat. Adjusting her hair, he kissed Sevya on cheek smiling a bit.

" I bought chocolates and lays packet for you. Freshen up, rest a bit and don't roam around like this." He said shocking her.

" I am fine!." She shouted.

" Of course you are. You are on periods why won't you be fine? This is normal. " He stated with an amused smile.

" I don't need your validation!." Sevya shouted again.

" Okay." He replied trying to control his chuckle. Sevya pushed him back. She stomped on his foot making him groan in pain.

" Does that hurt? That's what I feel everytime people talk shit about me! Do you all say same to helpers around here?." Sevya blasted.

" What are you talking about?." He spoke.

" Do you ? Make fun of people who are not capable to your level of work?." She questioned him.

" You know very well I am not like my parents Sevya." He said in a warning tone.

" Maybe you are not, the way you are so calm about this makes me question my place in this house. " Sevya shouted.

" You know we live in an Era where women are given equal importance as men of the family. They are given part of their property, called man of the House. Where women with right education consider sharing men's work to lessen their burden but in your household you people look at us as a machine for sex and child birth. Pleasure for a moment and under pressure forever. That's the definition of being a maharani at Toshniwal household!." She shouted hitting him hard on his chest.

" Sevya....". Keyur tried to control her but he knew her mood swings are making his wife talk truth in a very raw way.

" I think you would be this calm doing nothing just like that plant on balcony taking up sun feeding on source of energy, living like a decorative item when men in your office comment the same about me. I guess they comment too looking at the way your parents pass taunts on me." Sevya spoke in a very low tone facing away from him.

When she looked back, Keyur was walking away from her silently fisting his palms tightly.

Srida stood in the institute looking at different sections. Now she doesn't have any interest in carrying out the task of managing it especially after she saw what value women of this house have. Unless she's pregnant or extremely rich or has connections she will not be recognized for her work.

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