Chapter 12

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He observed his wife as she moved with grace. Her delicate fingers were made to showcase different mudras while her foot tapped enough to create rhythmic sound which is matching with the song she chose to dance. Among this huge crowd Srida could feel eyes of her husband,  the way he's being explicit with his eyes on her.

As classical music ended everyone applauded her performance and the group she danced with bowed down as thank you gesture. Adwait could hear her Ghungroo as she walked inside her private dressing room. He clapped for her and approached her room as he wanted to be alone with his wife. As soon as she entered he held her waist and buried his head in her neck. Taken aback by her behavior, Srida hugged him.  She expected her husband to praise the performance, kiss her endlessly but this gesture showed how tensed he looked.

" What happened Adwait?." She asked him to which he clutched her waist tight. Moving both of them to the couch present in corner of the room, she held his head away from her body.

" What happened dear?!." She asked him quite shocked with tears in his eyes.

Adwait looked into her eyes. Only she can see his vulnerability, for he always believed the other half of the his soul needs to know how he feels , for them to live in harmony. His every Fibre asked him to confess what's on his mind while his mind said there is still time for it.  He debated is it too late? The path is chose is right? Is Rayaan bhai correct at assessing the situation?

" Baby shhh." Srida spoke which caused Adwait to shift in his position. He loved the way she expressed different emotions during her dance. His wife's pure happiness, personality reflected in her dance. No matter how much he hates to think about it,  Srida has made a bigger impact on his life. As a person he changed, learned a lot for her to like him.  Never in his life Adwait thought he will see a day where his worry about everything around is less compared to the safety of his sweet Srida.

" This is worrying me." She said holding his shoulders.

Adwait smiled wiped his tears kissed on her forehead, played rubbed his nose on hers playing with her lips all the while. She never tried to change him, asked Adwait to live a life she dreamed off yet questioned things which she didn't feel isn't right for them. In this moment Adwait decided never to make her live a life which she can't. If he has to break every single person's neck for her safety he's ready to do it in second but not ask her to quit dance which is as beautiful and valuable as her.

Adwait realised Rayaan was always right with his decision to protect these three women at all costs. And he's going to do what he feels is right for them.

" I am fine now. " Adwait spoke kissing her neck slowly moving his mouth to corner of her chin. Pecking her plump lips before moving away. Flustered Srida gave him a shy smile which he couldn't miss.

Sevya stood in a corner. She imagined a life where she would go to office,  come back home , cook food, spend time with family and go to sleep. For many years that's what she thought is basic in anyone's life,  a good house,  handsome husband,  kids after an age, 9 to 5 job but now she understood no matter what she has or provided with, peace of mind is very important. Keyur walked inside silently noting his wife hasn't moved from that same spot since the time he left to have dinner with his brothers. His 20min dinner time was not enough for his wife to clear her mind.

On the other hand Sevya glanced at her husband and chuckled. Her poor mind will always find some faults to spoil her peace of mind , the fact which she should accept and move on to better things. A very caring and supportive husband, sister in laws are too sweet to cause any kind of harm, extremely understanding brother in laws, a job which she loves to do . But what causes her mood sour ? People who never really cared to respect her Inspite of many warnings by her husband. Does their acceptance really matter when she is having a life much better then she visualized?!

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