Chapter 10

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With nervous hands and sweaty palms, I watched her get down the plane slowly holding my hand. My brothers told me whatever happend just before I left for this vacation. Radha being the only bane to my angry self, smiled at me innocently. If I had to live a day without her presence, I wouldn't be alive even for a second.

"Rayaan ji , Where will we stay?." She whispered in my ears as I stood to collect our baggage. I smiled at her cute antics. She deserves to be treated as princess, of my heart.

"Not here definitely." I whispered making her giggle.

" Oh my bag! There! Did you see??!." She jumped holding my arm. Some men standing near us looked at her .

" Damn man! She's a catch." One of them commented. The other one checked her bum moving few feet back. Holding Radha by shoulder I draped my jacket around her which covered her backside a bit. 

" Rayaan ji! Offo! My bag!." Radha shouted holding my suit and bending down to collect it.  More men looked at her chest which made my blood boil.  Pulling her away, I took her bags along with mine. Turning around I adjusted her loose kurta which she wore over loose jeans. Her comfort clothes are killing me.

" Radha. Don't ever wear this attire again ." I said dragging her with me. She had confused look but didn't care about my request. Radha loves sea, my best gamble was for us to spend time in Mumbai,a city people strive to live in. After years of marriage this is our first outing or should I say honeymoon. I couldn't risk being physical with her if I ever plan vacation with my wife. The deep rooted fear of losing her if we have a kid together made me isolate myself from her.

"Rayaan-." She started again.

" Radha don't call me ji. For god sake don't give me so much respect! Yes. We will stay at Taj. You will get to see beach every single day of our stay here. Yes , yes yes yes yes, yes to every question you ask now. Ok?." I said pulling her towards me. Radha was quite for only 2 seconds before she started asking questions about what places we will cover, how many places should we visit in a day or what all activities I have planned for us.

" Radha!." I halted her train of thoughts. Checking into our Taj, I saw how excited she was. Asking the bellboy to place our luggage I took Radha by hand. For a beautiful lady like her, every moment should be made special.

"Sit, it's evening already. Have something." I suggested as she looked around.

" I want to have samosa and chai." She said not even looking at the menu.

" But Radha-." I said quite amused at her impatience.

" Offo Rayaan! I want to have samosa only!." She whined.

Not having much choice, I ordered whatever she demanded. She munched silently gazing at others who were, well what can I say very romantic?

" Tell me na Rayaan! Where will we go? What will we do?." She asked again. Holding her hands I looked into her eyes.

"Radha, I want to spend time with you, not with the places here. Wherever we go together it's going to be a beautiful experience for me. Whatever you want me to do, I am ready. For me only you matter. " I said kissing her palm. She blushed as red as setting sun . We checked into our sea view room,  Radha jumped like a small kid opening every window curtain. Asking her to get ready, I moved out of our room to arrange for transport.

With great company comes greater responsibility of keeping them safe but I knew what makes Radha happy. She jumped in my arms when I went back.

" Oh my God! There's spa here! No one knows me! You know Rayaan we have private butler too! I ordered him to bring you coffee but I won't drink anything! Let's go out after you fresh up! Or maybe you are tired. I will just roam around this place-."I held back of her neck pulling Radha towards me kissed her slowly. Her words were stuck in our kiss. Slowly she started picking up speed moaning into it.

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