Chapter 25

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Leaves crunched under his foot, looking at his men Keyur walked calmly towards the house. For people around him,  he's been a pillar of support but then when it came to his own people no one stood not even his parents.

"Sir, this is it.  I will take your leave." He heard his men, nodding at them Keyur walked alone pushing the door.

People scattered looking at his presence. Without any fuss he sat down on a chair waiting for his parents. Servants who worked for him and his brothers bowed in respect. Keyur had stoic face not reacting to anyone. His parents came down looking at their son.

"Keyur! You came! My son!." His mother wailed running to him. He didn't flinch nor react.

How can he be happy?

How can he accept and embrace his parents who knew the outcome of their dangerous work?

"Why don't you greet us ? Aren't you happy? We are penniless, living on rents paid by our company men who's using our building for some nonsense trading bussiness! Can you believe it?!." His father shouted showing displeasure.

"Keyur! How are you doing?." His mom wailed holding his hand. Keyur calmly removed her hand from him. Standing up in his place he walked around observing his own house. He had lovely memories but the most bitter ones are staring back at him.

" As dead as my unborn child." He finally answered looking back at them. His father bent his head down in shame. Usha Toshniwal stepped back covered in guilty. Rayaan and keyur wanted to destroy them completely but Adwait saw what others two couldn't. He suggested they live to see how well they are without them. They may not feel it now but in future they will surely regret their existence.

Keyur could see glimpse of it in his parents. Both Rayaan and him wanted to carry their plan secretly but respecting their brothers wish is important. Now that they have agreed to Adwait way of punishing them. Keyur badly wanted to do what he has planned.

After all he should stand up to the name Silent Killers.

" We did not mean to hurt you so bad. We didn't know." Usha spoke sitting opposite to him.

" Did you?." Keyur asked his father.

" I got a call from Sehgal, he blackmailed me if I don't supply him with the package, he's going to come after us." Pratap spoke not looking at his son.

" I know this after first attack on Radha bhabi in our office. The man we captured escaped from our hold. It's planned by us to find out who's behind all this." Keyur spoke in a serious tone. Pratap and Usha were shocked to the core.

" It seems, my Bhabi's father is not happy with your web of lies and ties. After all, if he looses his daughter he will have to answer the society. Which isn't his cup of tea." Keyur walked around casually with hands in his pockets.

" Also, your nasty bussiness is going to get exposed too along with his. Have you thought about it?." Keyur asked.

"No.." they trailed.

"We saved you too." Keyur said pointing his finger at Usha.

"Where is Sehgal?." He asked again. It's been a routine for them. Rayaan visited them two months after shifting to make sure they never get into illegal bussiness again. Both his parents were arrested and charged for attempt to murder on their wives, a case filed by Keyur himself.  He wanted to protect them and find out what exactly happened. Now that they are moving on,  Rayaan got bail for his parents kept them under house arrest. A move anticipated by his brothers.

"We don't know. We haven't gone out of this damn house since so many months!." Pratap shouted with frustration.

"You won't too until you give us information." Keyur stressed.

Boys and Bullets✅️ (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz