Forest confrontation

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Fake Peppino walks from the forest back to his home. Satisfied from his "shopping" that he has done today but little did he know he was being followed. Not by one monster but two monsters.

He only kept walking still not noticing the Monsters that where following him, he walked arms almost touching the floor and his bag dragged against the grass. although walking through the forest is very dangerous for a human of course fake Peppino was no human.

One of the monsters following him was that succubus that he stole from, in the market she planed on confronting him in the forest but she is still looking for a time for her to "interact" Peppino.

The other one was  a blue oni it had a bottle of alcohol in her hand and it was pretty clear that she was drunk as hell. Although drunk Blue Oni's attack human men when she first lays eyes on them it seems that she planing to ambush fake Peppino.

must be a smart one then

The succubus then decides it's a great time to confront Fake Peppino right here right now.

She slowly walks up to him before making a "ehm" sound alerting fake Peppino.

Succubus:Ara Ara, if it isn't the human who tired to steal my fruits and hard labor.

Fake Peppino turns around to face whoever was speaking still having a smile on his face.

Succubus: why you smiling human, you liked the fact you almost got away.

Fake peppino didn't respond and just keep looking at her.

Succubus: Not much of a talker huh? Oh well that doesn't matter now because you have my fruits and vegetables in that bag cutie.

She points to the bag and fake Peppino looks at it before looking back at her.

Succubus: and you need to pay me back.

Fake Peppino hearing this instantly reached into his "pocket" and was about to pull out the "Money" that he has.

Succubus: oh no honey this is beyond paying back with the money. So put it away

Fake Peppino then tilts his head in confusion.

The succubus gets closer to him. With a seductive look that can put any man in a charm like state.

Fake Peppino gets even more confused.

Succubus: their is only one Proper way to pay me back.

She says with a low voice as she got even closer to Fake Peppino.

Fake Peppino: dionarap?

The succubus ignored what fake Peppino says and gets even closer where she touches him, and rubbing his crotch trying to get him aroused.

Fake Peppino doesn't react of course and is still confused.

Succubus: My my a bit resilient I see but don't worry your safe with me I only want to please you, it's good for the both of us.

She's about to unbuckle fake Peppino's "pants" when she hears a loud huff and some loud footsteps start getting closer.


Out of the bushes a drunkin blue oni was approaching the both of them clearly drunk and furious at the succubus.

Oni: Get away from my mate!

She yelled with anger in her voice, the succubus scoffed and shrugged her off.

Succubus: your mate? Don't make me laugh I got to him first he's mine!

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