in business.

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After "cleaning" his stand peppino walks back into the stand and waits.

While he waits and serves costumers his clones will make the pizza's and serve them.

The first costumer was a...

Blue Slime?

The slime went up to Fake Peppino's stand and ordered a large

Fake Peppino hands her the pizza and she gives him the money but not before winking at him and using some slime wrote something into his stand.

"Meet me and my place cutie" followed by a magic spell that shows whoever touches the spell the directions to a place that the person who wrote the spell wants that person to go.

Fake peppino touches it and his mind is immediately known where to go meet this slime.

But he just ignored this.

He just stood there brightest smilie as people went up to his stand to buy his pizza's and when he ran out or his pizza's get messy, clones would come and restock to new pizza's

many monster girls whenever they come up to his stand to buy pizza or something else, would just flirt with him.

but he would just ignores this making some monster think he is playing hard to get and so would try to flirt or put a charm spell on him so that he would fall in love with them.

its doesn't not effect Fake Peppino though.

he just stood there looking at them or listing to whatever they have to say, a nice boy at times. but he is just there to make pizza's and sell them so he would just go on as normal the monsters seeming to get more aggressive over trying to get him some tried to put a charm spell right on the spot but failed it seems that they are really trying to claim fake Peppino.

Fake Peppino just stood there selling his pizza's and really minding his own thing just selling pizza's and here are these monster girls trying everything in their power to claim fake Peppino but he won't let them, he will not let non of them take him.

The only way for him to be claimed is with some undesirable
Circumstances but for now he would just keep selling his pizzas and normal and in a peaceful way.

but he knew that if there would be trouble he will go on a killing spree, but along as he would stay out of trouble he won't get into any.

cause duh.

After all Pizza time never ends.

Never ever ever EVER ends.

and to those who try to stop it.

they would just doom themselves

but it just continued normally as usual him selling pizza's monster girls trying to suduce him or buying his pizza's just the usual

that was until one Costumer came by.

a hellhound.

(a/n: aw shit you know what's about to go down bro's)

she comes up to the stand looking at the menu and prices when she spoke up.

???: Well well looks like I'm about to have to have my lunch.

Fake Peppino then looked to see what she was looking and saw that she was looking at the extra large pizza price and grabbed one.

He then present it to her only for her to shake her head before saying.

???: I'm not talking about the pizza

she grabs him by the shirt.

???: i'm talking about you!

She said before starting to drag him out of the market and towards the exit.

Fake Peppino didn't do anything and just layed there letting himself to get dragged.

The monsters saw the hellhound taking Fake Peppino and shook their heads. Some of them even spoke to say.

"poor human he's not going to be able to walk after she's done with them."

"he even smiling like he is going to enjoy it"

"He must be into hellhounds, heh what a human"

Fake Peppino looks forward to see that they are exiting the settlement, glad that their is no People in sight for them to see.

her demise

While getting dragged the hellhound noticed that he is not resisting and just letting her drag him.

???: Not resisting eh? you wanted this don't you? heh don't worry i'll deliver good. perv

Fake Peppino didn't respond as he just look forward as he saw the settlement entrance getting small and smaller until there was nothing but trees and grass.

After a while the hellhound got tired of dragging fake Peppino and so just put him on her shoulder carried him now.

???: There we go now i don't have to carrier your big ass to my home.

She looks at Peppino and seeing his smile.

???: And your smiling too? i didn't know you had a thing for hellhound. Guess its my lucky day

She was then hit and was sent down to the ground with a heavy thud.

she looks up to see Fake Peppino.

but that was not fake Peppino.

it was one of his clones it seemed to grabbed dashed her and stabbed her with its toung sending her down to the ground.

???: What the?

The clone then deforms, and fake Peppino stood above her.

???: A clone then?

She chuckles.

???: That's why you where smiling, not because you where not going to be savaged by me.

She slowly stood up a smirk in her face.

???: It was because you where going to hit me with a clone.

Fake Peppino stood there still smiling.

???: Well, if its a fight you want.

Her eyes then turned into flames.

???: Then it's a fight you will get.

She says as the area around them got hot.

The intense stared down before they where about to fight.

Fake Peppino clones then started to form next to Fake Peppino.





NOTHING COMPARES TO PEPPINO PIZZA 2!Where stories live. Discover now