Snake hunter

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As Fake Peppino roams the forest, looking for any lamia he thinks to himself.

Fake Peppino: maybes I should go to the desert! yes, good thing it will help me find snake women!

Fake Peppino "thinks" about it for a moment before shaking his head.

Fake Peppino: No no's Peppino! You will melt in the suns! Must have lots of shade! Must keep stable form, there just isn't many snakes! Only scorpions!

Fake Peppino continues looking around eventually finding what he thinks is a lamia nest...finding eggs.

Fake Peppino: oh eggs I find! Good substitute! Will do very poorly!

He then started to grab the eggs putting them into his bloody bag.

Fake Peppino: But wait if there eggs where male?

He looked around.

Fake Peppino: They must be huntings togethers? Oh well!

Fake Peppino then feels something wrapping around him before suddenly being thrown back. Then he feels his entire body being wrapped.

???: Well well we'll look at I have here an egg stealer...

A voice yelled out as Peppino looked over to the lamia, coils around him, squeezing tightly.

Lamia: I should kill you for this but thanks to the demon lord she prevents us monsters from killing you humans.

Lamia: So instead of that I'm going to claim you.

She said as she squeezed him tighter, making him cry out in pain.

Little did she know that a clone formed behind her and approached her quietly turning its hand into an axe.

Lamia: now let me just take a look at you.

She said as she grabbed his pants, slowly pulling it down slightly revealing his Italian sausage.

The clone raised his hand axe.

She managed to pull his sausage halfway out before her head split into two, brains and blood covered Fake Peppino as he quickly composed himself and then squatted down, forming a axe as he chopped off the lower half of her before sticking it into the bag, the top half of her would then be hidden inside a tree.

Fake Peppino then checks off the final thing for his list as he smiles.

Fake Peppino: Yes! My list is completed! I have anything I have I need to cook pizza!

Fake Peppino then wanders off to his pizzeria, leaving nothing but intestines and a hidden body in the trees.


Alright guys I hope you like today this chapter I know I took forever to do this but thank you for waiting anyway I hope to see you all soon and have a great wonderful day!

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