Monster (girl) hunter

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Soon someone will come across the Gruesome scene And that time will come, soon a "newspaper" reporter came by the scene and was horrified by the scene, soon they would make a newspaper story about the killings.

Seeing this happen again humans started calling the unknown killer the "monster girl hunter" killing monster girls for sport fun or any unknown reason.

Some states reacted to the said killer, the anti-monster girl states said that the monster girl hunter is a hero while the pro-monster states had come out saying that whatever this monster girl hunter is evil and a killer, some pro-monster girl states, and city's put up a bounty to get this "monster girl hunter"

But they managed to interview two people, a pro-monster girl supporter, and an anti-monster girl supporter. This is what the pro-monster girl supporter said

"This hunter is evil pure evil! He's killing these poor monsters just for being different from us humans! He should be captured and brought to Justice if I would say! although if they were to get caught instead of sending them to jail I say to force them to marry a monster girl preferably a hellhound, they would show him"

Now this is what the anti-monster girl supporter  said

"The monster hunter? He's a real goddamn hero! He is proving that human men or humans in general are on the top of the food chain and will always be! If you ask me, he's just showing these monster girls their places, if I were to meet him I would allow him to marry my daughter! He's doing good by getting rid of these monster girls off from our land"

But for the bounty they will never find whoever they are....they have never seen the hunter's face, so monster girls wear unless you want to be up for the monster girl hunter chopping block...

Some politicians of the anti-states made the following statement

"This monster hunter is a real inspiration to us humans as it shows that we could fight back! For far too long humans specifically human men have been kidnapped, raped, or even hospitalized by these "things"

We are still waiting for a statement from the pro-states.

Goodbye for now... we will report what the pro-states will have to say.

NOTHING COMPARES TO PEPPINO PIZZA 2!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora