Chapter 1: Hypnotized

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A serene, windy morning with barely any clouds in the sky dimmed down the bright atmosphere of Willow Creek. Along the dusty and paved streets, there were gray, bricked buildings. They were the dormitories of Hampsfield University, the best and most prestigious university in this foreign town. In one of these dormitory rooms, lived an uprising freshman named Martha Ann. She had just woken up from a long, deep sleep and was getting ready to start her first day. As she rose from bed, she began to think about the strange, supernatural dream she had last night.

Martha: She thought to herself. How did I dream about a vampire and a werewolf?

Martha: On the inside. I barely had dreams like this....

20 seconds later, her phone rang. It was her mom calling her.

Martha: She picked up the phone and said. Hey mom...What's up?

Martha's mom: How's Willow Creek going this summer, darling?

Martha: Honestly mom, I'm still trying to get accustomed to the unpredictable chilly breeze that engulfs the area.

Martha: Other than that, I don't feel too homesick.

Martha's mom: Oh, well. That's nice. But seriously be careful...I heard a lot of spooky things happen there.

Martha: Spooky? What do you mean by that, mom?

Martha's mom: Never mind. Be safe, Martha.

Martha's mom: I should stop calling since you need to get ready for your first day at uni.

Just like that, she hung up leaving Martha feeling bewildered and conflicted.

In a split second, she flashed back to the "dream" which included herself taking care of the vampire while his beloved girl disappeared temporarily when she had to tutor someone else. Another fragment of the dream involved witnessing the vampire and werewolf in a ferocious battle with the antagonist vampire and his female vampire apprentice over the girl with caramel brown hair and light brown eyes. Next thing she remembered was the girl in the dream choosing the vampire over the werewolf.

Martha: On the inside. What?! How are these scenes from the dream entering back in my mind?

Martha: On the inside. Ahh, whatever. I shouldn't overthink...I should leave after getting ready.

When she changed into a new pair of clothes, she headed out while it was 8am. She needed to be in the advising office of the university so early to meet up with her academic advisor to adjust her class schedules for her major and minor. Her advisor went by the name of Susan Bromwell. After 10 minutes, she reached outside the building.

Martha: She said to herself as she shivered. Geez, it's so windy. Better head inside.

When she got inside the office, she waited patiently till Mrs. Bromwell got back in the room after an urgent meeting with another staff in the main hall.

Mrs. Bromwell: Martha Ann, right? Sorry for keeping you waiting...I had an important meeting.

As Mrs. Bromwell got back to her desk, Martha began to scrutinize her precisely. She was a woman in her mid 30s, probably around 5'9 without black stiletto heels on, and wearing a neat and ironed white and black business dress suit. Her makeup was immaculate along with her rosy, red lips in contrast with her vanilla blonde hair tied in a bun. She looked quite stunning for her age and she was quite slim, but not as slim as Martha.

Martha: Yeah, that's me. I didn't mind waiting on you...

Mrs. Bromwell: Give me just a sec and let me find your name on my roster list... She said as she was typing on her computer.

Mrs. Bromwell: After a while, she said. I see that you're on the waitlist for Intro to Botany class and need credit for another class.

Mrs. Bromwell: I can manually add you for Intro to Botany, but what other class would you like to take?

Martha: I'm not sure...Are there any seats open for abnormal psych class? I want to start off easy.

Mrs. Bromwell: Unfortunately, that class is full...But I can put you in Calc 1 course since there are multiple seats open for this semester.

But before Martha could open her mouth to respond, she heard the door open. A guy walked in carrying some packages for Mrs. Bromwell's office. He sat them down beside her desk before speaking. His name was Vincent Denbrough.

Vincent: Hey Mrs. Bromwell, I got the packages that contain the flyers you needed for tomorrow's union event.

Mrs. Bromwell: Perfect timing, Vincent. You help me a lot when I struggle to manage those flyers myself.

Mrs. Bromwell: I need to get some paperwork done. I'll be back again once I'm done.

She left the office swiftly, leaving Martha in the room with Vincent. As they were alone, Martha observed him closely. He was noticeably very tall around 6'5 and had the perfect masculine figure for a guy of his age. Lookwise, they were the polar opposites. He had messy, dirty blonde hair, olive skinned, and stormy gray eyes that gave away his intense and enigmatic nature. The male models in those Men's Health magazines were nothing compared to him. He was deadass hot. Martha was very short, 5'3 with long, silky raven hair, medium midnight blue eyes, pale skinned, and had a noticeable petite body. She had many admirers back in high school for her innocent pure looks, but never reciprocated nor harbored any interest in any of them. Quite frankly, she's always considered herself average. Not too pretty nor ugly. Somewhere in between.

Out of the blue, Vincent was being friendly and asking her lots of questions.

Vincent: So, you're a freshman I assume...What's your name?

Vincent: Where are you from and whatcha majoring in?

Vincent: And how are you liking it here?

She answered the questions to the best of her abilities.

Martha: My name is Martha and I'm from Oasis Springs...

Martha: I'm majoring in philosophy and minoring in math...

Martha: I'm not sure if I find this place easy to fit in...I've only been here for 2 months.

Vincent: Whoa Martha, you sound very ambitious for a freshman.

Vincent: Many upcoming freshmans don't even know what to major in haha.

Martha: Really? I thought the opposite...

Vincent: I'm Vincent by the way and I know you might be surprised, but I also have the same major and minor as you and I'm a junior here.

Vincent: Don't be alarmed if we happen to be in the same classes this semester.

Then there was this awkward silence between them. For a small moment, Vincent was staring at her intensely as if he wanted to read her mind.

Martha: She thought to herself. What is this? I've never had any guy stare at me for so long.

Vincent: On the inside. She makes me want to analyze her deeply...

Vincent: Breaking off the silence, he said. I wonder how you're from the hottest area and still looking pale like the moonlight.

Martha: With a nervous giggle. Maybe that's why I got accepted here. People often say I'm like Snow White.

After half an hour, Mrs. Bromwell returned back to her office and she seemed a bit frazzled from the work she had to do in the early morning.

Mrs. Bromwell: Phew...I'm so glad I'm done. Morning work exhausts the hell out of me.

Vincent: Don't sweat it, Mrs. Bromwell. You need to get more beauty sleep before you get wrinkles on your face.

Mrs. Bromwell: Haha you're such a joker, Vincent.

Mrs. Bromwell: She turned to Martha and said. If I remember correctly, your classes will start soon at 9:30. Better go to class or else you'll be late.

Mrs. Bromwell: If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to email or call me.

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