Chapter 2: Strange Sensations

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The bells rang as soon as Mrs. Bromwell said those words. Classes were about to start, but Martha had no clue where Mathers Biology building was.

Mrs. Bromwell: Oh, speaking of the devil. Enjoy your first day in your classes, Martha.

She winked at Martha. Martha never had an adult be this friendly towards her. Normally, her counselor and teachers at her high school had a look of disdain and discontent on their faces every time she is forced to converse with them privately. She was considered a top student and nominated as the prettiest girl in her senior year, mainly the reason why many girls envied her throughout her teen years.

Martha: Smiled and said. Thanks, Mrs. Bromwell...You too.

As Martha walked out of the office, Vincent slowly followed her behind.

Vincent: Know where you're supposed to go, Martha?

Martha: She turned around and said. Actually I don't...Do you know where the Mathers Biology building is?

Vincent: He chuckled. Of course, I do. I know where all the buildings are by heart.

Vincent: Mathers Biology is west of this building. Come with me...I'll walk you there.

Martha: She asked hesitantly. Are you sure about that? Don't you have classes as well?

Vincent: Nah, my classes start in the afternoon. Trust me, you'll get there on time with my help.

Walking with Vincent put more nervous adrenaline inside her body and she felt even more bashful than talking to him face to face. She was still amazed by how tall he was. Heck, she wasn't as tall as his shoulders. While walking together, Martha suddenly asked about the purpose of the flyers for tomorrow's event.

Martha: She stuttered a bit. Hey...umm Vincent? A-about the flyers Mrs. Bromwell talked about...

Martha: What are they for?

Vincent: Oh that? It's Supernatural Union day tomorrow...Poor members are being shamed as TVD fans and potterheads.

Martha: She thought to herself. Never heard of an event like that in school...let alone a university.

Just as Vincent had predicted, he got her to botany class on time. They stood briefly outside the classroom door before Martha could go inside.

Vincent: Here it is...Your first class.

Vincent: It's time for me to go...See you later, Martha.

A part of her wished she could talk to him more, but she brushed that aside and headed inside. There were barely 30 students in her botany class and she sat in boredom as the professor explained the syllabus instead of the chapter material since most freshmans were taking that class as it's known to be an easy A subject.

Professor Gallet: Morning, everyone. I am Professor Gallet and I'll be your instructor for intro to botany...

Professor Gallet: Since it's our first day, I don't want to rush with the course content...

Professor Gallet: Let's go over the syllabus instead...It's very straightforward.

Martha had her head resting on her fist and she looked focused, but wasn't. Deep down, she sort of missed her short conversations with Vincent.

Martha: She thought to herself. Ugh, I don't need him to go over the syllabus...I already know what to expect.

Martha: On the inside. I wish they would just move onto the course content already.

After 45 grueling minutes of listening to Professor Gallet speak, the class was about to end at 10:15. Martha had nothing much to do for 5 hours since her next and final class of the day doesn't start till 3pm. She decided to head to the diner facility corner to get something to eat since she hadn't eaten breakfast this morning. She sat down alone in the giant cafeteria after using her meal ticket to pay for her food. For a moment, she got up to get some napkins. Without looking, she bumped into a girl holding her tray of food and a mess was created. Drink and food spilled all over their clothes and Martha gasped and felt embarrassed. Some people laughed. The girl was Ashley Baker. She had wavy, brown hair with pink highlights, wore a white Shoushin anime sweater, and black jeans. She was average in terms of height, but still taller than Martha around 5'5. 

Ashley: She panicked. Omg, I'm so sorry for that! Pardon my clumsiness...

Ashley: I didn't mean to bump into you!

Martha: Oh, no it's okay. I should have watched where I was going...

Ashley: I should clean up my mess before I sit down.

When Ashley sat down across from Martha, they started talking more.

Ashley: I still feel bad about ruining your clothes...I'm Ashley, a sophomore here.

Martha: Honestly, it's no big deal. Happens all the time. I'm Martha and I'm a freshman.

Ashley: Wow, that's cool. Can we be friends? You seem very nice.

Martha: Sure, we can be friends.

Seconds later, a guy with unruly bronze hair and turquoise eyes came by and sat down right next to Ashley. He was looking for Ashley everywhere and couldn't find her since it was crowded at the cafeteria line. His name was Jasiah Rodriguez.

Jasiah: There you are, Ashley! I thought I couldn't find you anywhere...

Ashley: No problem, Jasiah. I kind of embarrassed myself a bit earlier haha.

When Jasiah looked in front and saw Martha sitting across from Ashley, he suddenly grew curious about her. He wondered who she was.

Jasiah: Towards Martha. Oh, didn't see you there. Who must you be?

Ashley: Towards Jasiah. Meet my new friend, Martha. She's the girl I bumped into while spilling my lunch haha.

Jasiah: Towards Martha. Nice to meet you, Martha. I'm Jasiah...Ashley's friend.

Jasiah: If you want, you can tell us about yourself. We'd love to hear everything you have to say.

Martha: Well, I don't have much to say about myself...

Martha: Other than the fact this is my first year and I'm from Oasis Springs.

Jasiah: Oasis Springs, you say? I heard it's damn hot there 90% of the time.

Jasiah: How were you able to adapt to the chilly and cool atmosphere at Willow Creek?

Martha: What can I say? My mom tells me I'm fair skinned for a reason.

Jasiah continued to be inquisitive as he subconsciously found her attractive, but on the surface he played it cool. Martha was slowly losing focus at Jasiah sharing facts about himself when she noticed Vincent sitting with two guys near another table at the corner of her right eye. He looked slowly to her side when he realized she was staring at him.

Jasiah noticed she wasn't really paying attention, so he tried to snap her out of her dreamy state.

Jasiah: Martha? Martha? Did you hear what I just said?

Martha blinked and then realized what she missed out on.

Martha: Sorry, I zoned out...What were you saying?

Vincent didn't keep his eyes off of her despite the fact she suddenly diverted her attention away from him. He knew she was getting enchanted upon seeing him again.

Vincent: He thought to himself. Bet she sounds disinterested in that guy...

Vincent: On the inside. I think she's drawn to me...Even when she looks away.

Fate of Duskजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें