Chapter 9: Feel Your Touch

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The beach festival got noisier and noisier every minute filled with screams of excitement and splattering of waves. Some couples helped each other build a sandcastle while others relaxed in their tent or laid down on their towels enjoying the ray of sunshine. As Vincent played another round of beach volleyball, Martha felt thirsty as she hadn't drank since she left this morning.

Martha: On the inside. I'm thirsty...I should get something to drink.

She walked towards a beverage stand where a few people were waiting for a drink. Fortunately, the drinks were free because of the festival event.

Martha: One glass of piña colada, please.

While she was waiting for her drink, two guys came by to flirt with her. One of them was wearing red sunglasses and semi-naked while the other had a white sports jacket.

Guy #1: Hey, cutie...Looking quite sexy in that swimsuit.

Guy #2: Wanna go surfing with us? I wouldn't mind sharing my board with you.

Martha: No thanks...I don't think I can.

Martha: Besides, I don't see the point of surfing with edgy looking morons. 

Guy #1: Don't be such a scaredy cat...Girls love to surf with us.

Vincent quickly came over once he saw those two guys bothering her.

Vincent: Oh, yeah? What makes you think she's easy to spread her legs for you?

Vincent: You may think she's cute and innocent, but she's not gullible to fall for smooth talk.

Guy #2: And who are you? Her boyfriend? Doesn't mean she's not allowed to have friends.

Vincent: He dodged the question. How "cute" of you to think she wants to be f**ked by foolish, nonsense looking idiots like you.

Vincent: It's obvious you don't understand a girl's instinct when they reject your "niceness".

Vincent gave them a deadly, intimidating stare. His gray eyes dilated and his expression grew sharper. The two guys got afraid and walked off. Meanwhile, Martha and Vincent sat under a beach umbrella table. Martha was drinking the free piña colada beverage and Vincent felt bad for playing volleyball for too long.

Martha: Thanks for defending me, Vince. I wasn't sure if they were gonna be unnoticed by you.

Vincent: I'm a werewolf for a reason. No secret can be kept from me.

Vincent: Lucky the sun is still out. Otherwise it won't be pretty seeing me losing my cool.

Martha: No matter what I do, every guy tries to flirt with me and every girl hates me for it.

Vincent: You shouldn't care about people like that. Others are jealous because they're ordinary and you're special.

Of course, Daphne and her friends were at the beach. They spotted where the two were sitting. Daphne's fury increased more and more.

Daphne: Look at them. Whoever says they look good together shall be burned in Hell.

Gertrude: I don't understand why he would pursue a slut like her. Never thought Vincent Denbrough would fall so low in our eyes.

Vanessa: Don't blame him. Blame her for stealing his heart.

Daphne: Good thing dad says the lunar eclipse is coming. Good luck to him for that.

Vincent took off his jacket since he was hot and wanted to go for a swim. He wanted Martha to come along with him. She blushed when she saw his abs and how shredded his body was.

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