Chapter 14: Tears That Heal (Final)

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Martha was brought back to the surface world using the silver pendant Vincent wore. He was lying in his bed covered with multiple injuries on his chest and he lost a lot of blood. There were scratch marks on his face. Martha sat beside his bed and mourned over his death. Professor Bromwell, Mrs. Bromwell, Marco, and Anthony all stood in sadness and gloominess over losing Vincent.

Martha: With tears in her eyes. Please come back to me, Vince.

Martha: Wake up. Please wake up...I can't live without you.

Marco: I felt bad for not saving our man. He was such a hero.

Anthony: We should go....I'm starting to tear up.

Everyone else walked away thinking Vincent was truly dead and will never wake. They couldn't bear to watch him motionless on his bed knowing they failed to save his life. Martha continued to cry and begged for him to return to her.

Martha: I wish they didn't make you fight for me. You've always been my dream come true.

Martha: I love you, Vince.

Soon as she said those words, 3 drops of her tears landed on his cheek and they slowly disappeared into his skin. Suddenly, a ray of green light shone and encompassed his chest. The ray of light grew bigger until a spiritual image of a wolf was created until it faded again into his dead body. All his wounds were healed and the scratches on his face disappeared. Vincent slowly opened his eyes and found Martha sitting beside him.

Vincent: Martha, you're here... He lifted his arms and stroked her face.

Vincent: Didn't I tell you I've always been a sucker for ravenheads?

Martha: V-Vince...You came back to me? She got more emotional.

Vincent: Yes, I did darling. Glad to wake up knowing you didn't get mauled by demons.

Without saying anything she threw herself onto him and hugged him tightly around the shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her torso and they kissed as if they haven't kissed for ages. Vincent was released from his curse of never falling for someone and their enemies have perished due to the power of love.

Vincent: You thought I'd leave, but I never did. All you needed to do was show me I didn't fight for you in vain.

Martha: I didn't know tears could heal...I guess nothing ever feels better than true love does it?

Vincent: Ahh, finally you believed in true love. Your intellect is growing isn't it?

The moon went back to its normal silver white gray color after the short period of lunar eclipse and the defeat of Lord Rasputin and Daphne. Nighttime couldn't have been anymore sweeter and soothing as the bitterness of the world was washed away like salt in the sea. Daphne's name was forgotten in every mortal's memory since no more rumors were spread about Martha being weirdly fond of her no more. This time Vincent gained the courage to officially declare his ever growing relationship with Martha at the university campus. Everyone was completely shocked and of course girls envied Martha, but knew they had no say in their relationship because once Vincent chose the one for him, that soul connection would be forever unbreakable. One day when they were at a random hall in the main building, Ashley and Jasiah both tried to make silly attempts for Martha to befriend her again after months of not speaking to her.

Ashley: I'm sorry for what I said before and stonewalling you, Martha. I really want to be friends with you again.

Martha: Not a chance. You made your decision when you believed that hellish fiery hag about me being a lesbian mankiller.

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