Chapter 7: Sick From Rain

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Martha's heart was racing as the seconds ticked by. For some reason, she was anxious to hear what Vincent had to say about himself. He could also sense her getting a bit paler and her nerves were getting increasingly tense.

Vincent: I-I'm a werewolf, Martha. But a good one.

Vincent: I was trying to give you as many hints as possible. This was why my uncle taught the class about werewolves.

Vincent: We decided it was time for you to hear the truth. Him and Mrs. Bromwell are werewolves as well.

She tried to open her mouth, but no words came out. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she knew she couldn't ignore the truth.

Martha: I-I sort of knew about that, Vince. M-maybe this is why my mom told me before that Willow Creek is spooked.

Vincent: Yeah, but we're not the spooky ones. You'd be surprised by how many magical creatures still roam around here.

Vincent: So, tell me Martha, how do you feel about me? Frightened or terrified?

Martha: Neither frightened or terrified. I'm utterly intrigued, Vince.

Vincent: I knew you would be. There's a reason why we can stare at each other without blinking for a long time.

The next couple of days felt auspicious whenever she walked along the hallways of the buildings corresponding to her classes. Turns out, Daphne had spread a rumor about Martha degrading her after "supposedly" having a lesbian crush on her. Faces of girls, ones who smiled and waved all the time whenever she passed by, were now staring at her with pure disapproval and slight disgust. This was how it always was. People who enter her life first end up admiring her, and then eventually downright hating her guts. The other guys pretended like she didn't exist after hearing that she was the target of the altercation between Vincent and Jasiah. Evidently, Jasiah told his friends about what happened and they all basically ghosted her. Once during a lunch break, Martha hesitantly tried to sit herself down with Ashley and her other friends, but even Ashley herself wouldn't acknowledge Martha's existence.

Ashley: What do you think you're doing? We don't have space left for sluts.

Martha: But you always want me to sit with you. What's the problem, Ashley?

Ashley: The problem is you. I don't wanna be friends with a lesbian mankiller.

Ashley was growing more impatient seeing Martha standing in front of her like a kicked dog. Martha quickly walked away from Ashley's table before Ashley could find her tongue and possibly raise her voice. She found an empty table away from where most students were sitting and sat down.

Martha: She was sad and said to herself. Was I that wrong for defending myself against Daphne?

Vincent found where she was sitting and sat down beside her. He was smart enough to believe who's a snake and not.

Vincent: Don't take it to heart. You did nothing wrong despite what Daphne told others.

Martha: I don't know why she hates me so much. Even Ashley doesn't want me as a friend anymore.

Vincent: Forget about her too. I'm on your side, Martha.

Vincent: Daphne's just jealous of you. I don't know what she is, but I know for a fact she's not human...

Martha: You know what? I don't need friends anymore, Vince.

Martha: Your company alone is enough to make me content.

At 4pm, she went back to her dorm but realized she was running out of clothes in her closet. She decided to go to a women's clothing store close to a small hotdog house. She bought herself 3 tops, two bottoms, and a fury jacket since it's growing colder than usual outside these days. It was raining cats and dogs when she got out of the store.

Martha: On the inside.  Ugh, I hate walking in the rain. I can't wait to get back to my dorm room.

Martha was soaking wet by the time she got back and her new clothes were wet too. She quickly placed them down at the sink of her bathroom and took off her clothes to shower.

However, the next morning when she had classes, she didn't show up. She got sick from the rain and felt too weak to get out of bed. Vincent was standing outside of the Classics building waiting for her and got worried as the minutes passed by.

Vincent: On the inside. Where's Martha? She's usually always here before me.

Left with no other option, he decided to call Martha. She slowly moved out of bed and answered her phone.

Vincent: Why aren't you here for class? I'm getting worried.

Martha: I'm sorry I- She slowly fell to the ground near her bed.

Martha: She coughed. I feel a bit sick. You should go to class...I'll be fine, Vince.

Vincent: Oh, no. I'll be there at your dorm in no time. He hung up.

Vincent: He thought to himself. I can't leave her sick like this...I don't care if I miss class because of her.

Vincent arrived at her dorm room in no time and he brought medicine with him. He treated her sickness while she was lying ill in bed. He checked her temperature and it turned out to be 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vincent: Wow, you're quite hot. But still not as hot as the warm chocolate drink I made for you.

Martha: I'm sorry for worrying you, Vince. I got sick really fast...

Vincent: You shouldn't have walked in the rain on your own yesterday. You could have asked me to accompany you to buy clothes.

Martha: She blushed and said. You're right. I could have...

Vincent: He stroked her head. I hope you're feeling better. But seriously don't make me worry next time because I almost got a heart attack.

Vincent: A girl who's soft as a bunny shouldn't get sick if she's not used to the cold.

His face appeared handsomer than usual, more gorgeous than a typical prince charming from a Disney movie. His soft, dreamy expression was enough to soothe her and stop her from sneezing and coughing. His gray eyes look more tender compared to the first day her eyes met them.

Martha: On the inside. Is he going to kiss me?

Vincent: Anyways, you should get more rest.

Vincent: I gotta leave in a few hours, but for now I'll stay to make sure you're doing okay.

During World Myth class, Professor Bromwell was still lecturing and elaborating on the chapters in the book despite the fact Vincent and Martha were both absent. Daphne noticed this and wondered where Vincent could be.

Daphne: She thought to herself. Where's Vincent? I hope that stupid tramp didn't make him miss class.

By evening, Martha finally had the strength to get out of bed and make something simple to eat. When she got to her kitchen, she noticed some cooked dishes placed in the fridge. They were cooked by Vincent in case she didn't feel like cooking herself.

Martha: She tried the dish and thought to herself. Hmm, this is so good. He's also amazing at cooking.

Martha felt miraculously better the next morning when she had no classes for the entire day. She was on cloud 9 over the fact that Vincent helped her feel better from being sick yesterday. She had her radio playing the song "Sweetest Pie" by Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa.

Martha: She danced and said to herself, He took care of ME when I was sick!

Outside of her dorm room, someone was listening. It was Daphne and she was furious.

Daphne: On the inside. I knew it! She made Vincent miss class...That typical slut! 

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