Chapter 11: Crazy Luna

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Martha sat silently and she could hardly find her tongue as Vincent continued to explain his philosophy about family and love. She never in her 18 years of life would hear a guy with so much passion and loyalty to his loved ones or have the power to heal her inner self.

Vincent: He went on explaining. Most people end up running away or hiding because they don't want to face their problems.

Vincent: They fear "special" humans because their differences intimidate them. It'll be boring if everyone was the same.

Martha: I've honestly never had a conversation about deepness with a guy. Most prefer shallow and dull talk.

Martha: They think your problems would be solved if you think positively.

Vincent: Nope, they're wrong. People who spread "positivity" are the fakest and shittiest people you'd ever meet.

Vincent: I don't think badly of positive people, but they can't heal you. In order to heal, one needs to be subtly "triggered" by the cold hard truth.

Martha: You made me realize how blind I've been all my life. I never realized how important hidden meanings or emotions were.

Vincent: Believe it or not, I saw darkness in you...But it was beautiful darkness. Now you're slowly conquering the light in it.

Vincent: He gently held her hand in his. You weren't blind, Martha. You needed guidance.

He brought her chin closer to his face and kissed her the second time. She kissed him back and didn't want that moment to end. Later on the day, they decided to go to Gabriella's Seafood Shack to get something to eat for lunch. Marco and Anthony came along. They had a female waitress and she first took Marco and Anthony's orders before it was time for Vincent and Martha to order. She was quite tall with a buxom figure and graceful eyelashes. Her brunette hair was tied in a bun.

Waitress: She smiled a flirty way towards Vincent. Anything you would like to order, hottie?

Vincent: I'll get the Shirley Temple drink and the rainbow trout with scallop and fries.

Waitress: Wow, that's a lot to order. Would you like anything else?

Vincent: Nah, I'm good. I believe that's more than enough for me.

Waitress: She turned towards Martha. What about you, girl?

Martha: I'll just get water to drink with southern fried shrimp.

Shortly afterwards, the waitress took their menus away, but Vincent was a bit worried about what Martha ordered.

Vincent: Southern fried shrimp, you said? That's only 8 pieces! You're not a 10 year old kid.

Vincent: I'm afraid that won't be enough for you, darling.

Martha: I'm sorry...I don't like seafood very much.

Vincent: You probably haven't tried other seafood than shrimp. You can't go wrong with seafood.

Martha: Ok, what would you suggest, Vince?

Before he could answer, the waitress brought the drinks while the cooks were still making their orders in the kitchen.

Waitress: Here are all your drinks! I'll be back with your meals soon!

Vincent: Wait, I've made up my mind. I'd like to order one more thing.

Vincent: Can I get the Grilled Tilapia as well?

Waitress: Knew you'd make up your mind about that. You must really love seafood.

Vincent: I love all kinds of food. It's too good to go to waste.

When the waitress walked away again, Martha felt awkward seeing the way she fluttered her eyes at Vincent. It was the first time she ever had the word jealousy enter her heart. She was indeed a bit jealous on the inside, but tried to act neutral on the outside.

Martha: On the inside. Of course every girl would admire him with just one look at him.

Vincent noticed Martha's expression and knew what she was thinking,

Vincent: You alright? If it's about the waitress, she can't have me. I'm taken by you.

Martha: She lied. It's not about her. I'm just wondering how well I will do in our next midterms.

Marco: We're on vacation...You shouldn't be thinking about that.

Anthony: Midterms don't come so soon after a vacation.

Vincent: They're right, darling. Don't think too much about schoolwork. Remember, you should always make time for fun.

The food finally arrived and everyone started eating. The waitress tried to flirt with Vincent again.

Waitress: Got your food finally! Besides, I love the Goonies show.

Waitress: Where did you get that shirt? It looks so hot on you.

Martha realized she couldn't keep quiet anymore. No girl is allowed to randomly flirt with Vincent, at least not in front of her.

Martha: Look, I know you're pouncing at him and not his shirt.

Martha: I get he's handsome, but I'd love it if you stop fluttering your eyes at him.

The waitress felt embarrassed and she had no choice, but to leave their table and get back to work. She got the message and didn't dare to compliment Vincent anymore.

Vincent: He thought to himself. That may be harsh, but I'm glad she's finally coming out of her shell and giving that annoying waitress a piece of her mind.

Martha took a bite of her food and then tried the dish Vincent ordered for her.

Vincent: How do you like the dish I ordered for you? Is it good?

Martha: It's spectacular! I really like this fish!

Vincent: See? Never say never without giving something a try.

They spent a few more days at the beach in San Francisco until it was time to get back to Hampsfield University. Everyone had classes like every other normal day. However, during one day at 6pm as Vincent felt a huge pain in his chest was about to leave his house for his evening class with Martha. He took a peek outside his bedroom window and saw a small shade of bright red on the moon. The pain in his chest increased since he felt himself transforming during an inappropriate hour.

Vincent: On the inside. Ahh, it hurts. It's not the time for me to transform...

He panted and breathed heavily. His aunt walked in the room and saw him in this delirious state.

Mrs. Bromwell: Oh no, Vince! What's going on?

Vincent: Go away, Aunt Susan! You don't want to get any closer to me...

His voice grew slightly deeper and more beastly. He immediately locked the door behind him. Outside of his room, his uncle also heard something was off coming from Vincent's room.

Professor Bromwell: What's wrong with Vince? I never hear him lock himself in his room.

Mrs. Bromwell: I think the lunar eclipse is coming.

Mrs. Bromwell: He sounds sensitive to it. A potion is necessary for him before his lycanthropy gets any worse.

Professor Bromwell: I should call a substitute instructor to take care of my class...I can't teach while Vince can't control himself.

Mrs. Bromwell: What about Martha? She'll be worried about Vince.

Professor Bromwell: He put her hand on her face. Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll find a way to tell her.

Of course, Martha was unaware of this strange event that ruled over werewolves. She headed out of her dorm room once her phone showed 5:30pm on it. However, when she walked outside she also noticed something red on the moon.

Martha: On the inside. I've never seen a moon appearing so early and becoming redder.

Martha: On the inside. What's going on? 

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