Chapter 6: Jealous Bitch

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Vincent took Martha to a kiosk that sells a variety of foods including rice, appetizers, and meat kabobs. Martha felt half-relieved she no longer had to experience another round of sheer awkwardness with Jasiah, Ashley, and everyone else. They sat down at a small table near the kiosk and food was served to them in a short period of time. Martha had barely finished one quarter of her meal since her appetite was usually very minimal. On the contrary, she watched in amazement as Vincent wolfed down two giant bowls of rice with a decent portion of crab rangoon and roasted string beans.

Martha: Surprised, she asked. How can you eat all that and not be full?

Vincent: He smirked a little. Guess you can say I have a "bear's" appetite.

Martha laughed so hard she almost fell out of her seat.

Vincent: It's true though. You eat way too little...No wonder why you're so small.

Vincent: So what happened with you at Jasiah's party in a club?

Martha: To cut to the chase, I felt uncomfortable and left early...

Martha: It seemed like Ashley was secretly trying to hook me up with him one way or another.

Vincent: If he bothers you again, I'll have a talk with him. He shouldn't go beyond his boundaries.

When they were both done eating, Vincent had other more personal questions to ask Martha that he never got the chance to ask before.

Vincent: Sorry for being curious again...but what's your favorite color, Martha?

Martha: Brown. Well, more precisely cinnamon brown.

Vincent: You mean the color of my shirt?

Martha: She blushed. Uhh, that's not what I meant, Vince...

Vincent: He laughed and said, Just kidding!

Vincent: It was a figure of speech, Martha. You gotta learn how to not take things so literally.

Martha: But I like brown because it means warmth and security.

Vincent: I knew you rather be warm like hot chocolate than be cold like frosty lemonade.

Vincent's jokes were making Martha laugh like she never did before. She remembered how other suave looking guys before him would use small talk to get her to respond and rarely made an effort to spice things up when conversations got dull. So far, she was secretly loving them.

On a Tuesday morning when Martha was walking around the hallways alone before heading off to World Myth class, Jasiah suddenly appeared and wanted to annoy her. Obviously, he was butthurt and dejected at the fact that she left his "special" party early without telling anyone.

Jasiah: There you are, Martha the Mystery girl. Why did you leave my party early without letting anyone know?

Martha: She lied. I remembered I had an assignment due at 5pm so I rushed home to complete it.

Jasiah: Are you sure? It had nothing to do with the "bear", right?

Martha: Absolutely nothing to do with him. Why is that any of your business?

Jasiah: It's clear you're always daydreaming about his weird gaze on you.

Jasiah: He looks at you as if you're a Rubik's cube impossible to solve.

Vincent heard this and he was going to make Jasiah eat his own words.

Vincent: As a matter of fact, I don't mind learning everything about her.

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