Chapter 5: Over the Moon

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While there was no full moon that evening, Vincent took a stroll after weeks of trying to evade those winged demons from hell. A few meters ahead of him, there were two bats flying towards him and they landed. It happened to be Jeremy Wilkins and Angela Spears, who were respectively the male vampire and the girl from Martha's dream.

Jeremy: Vince, what are you doing out here? I thought you said no taking strolls anymore at night.

Vincent: Well, Lord Rasputin's demons usually don't appear on earth when there's no full moon at night.

Jeremy: I heard that Martha is now going to your university...

Jeremy: When are you planning to tell her you're a werewolf?

Vincent: Not so soon...It's odd I'm falling for the girl you barely reciprocated before, Jeremy.

Vincent: I need her to feel safer around me since I could sense butterflies in her stomach.

Vincent: I don't want her to think I'll leave her heartbroken when I get her completely.

Jeremy: You really do feel attracted to her, do you?

Jeremy: It's best for her to find out the truth later. She'll be a good match for you.

Angela: You just need to be more patient, Vince. Martha needs to come to terms with what her heart wants.

It was 10pm when Vincent got back to the Bromwells' small house. Turns out he lived off campus and they were his aunt and uncle, meaning they were werewolves too. Mrs. Bromwell was busy watching the dishes from dinner and she stopped what she was doing when Vincent was home.

Mrs. Bromwell: Back now, Vince? I figured you got tired staying indoors every night...

Vincent: Sorry, Aunt Susan. I missed being outdoors. Can't change my nature-loving mindset.

Mrs. Bromwell: I'm glad I'm Martha's advisor...But she seems quite reserved.

Vincent: I know she is, I'm doing my best to make sure she's more comfortable around me.

Vincent: She has no idea how fragile and delicate she is for a small girl.

Mrs. Bromwell: I have a feeling she didn't buy what you said when you told her about your scratch.

Vincent: I think she can probably tell I'm more than human...

Vincent went to bed that night remembering every detail of his past. He lost his parents when he was 10, since they were murdered by Lord Rasputin for defying him about Vincent joining him in the underworld.

Lord Rasputin: I see so much power in Vincent. Allow your boy to join me or die...

Vincent's dad: Not going to step aside for him!

Vincent's mom: You'll never convince him! He'll never want to serve your evil deeds!

In a flash, Lord Rasputin killed them before they could turn into werewolves. Young Vincent shortly woke up and found his parents dead in the living room.

Young Vincent: MOM! DAD! What happened?!

He cried for hours upon realizing they were dead. Those memories came running back to the present.

Vincent: He thought to himself. Don't worry, mom and dad. I'll never submit to that bastard...

Martha prepared so much for her calc exam tomorrow. While she was taking it in class, she finished it 20 minutes before her time was up and checked her work thoroughly to make sure she didn't make any stupid mistakes.

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