Chapter 13: Battle in Hell

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When Martha woke up, she found herself in a barren, dark, and lifeless place. Almost everything around her was pitch black with the exception of the bright red flames that shone in the fireplace between two white stoned gargoyles. There was an angry snarl coming from the background. She was white with terror when she saw a 3 headed black dog with piercing white eyes and sharp teeth. It was a Cerberus. She couldn't tell where she was nor why she was here. A cold, high-pitch voice jolted her awake completely. It was Lord Rasputin.

Lord Rasputin: Been a while since you slept...Don't recognize this place do you?

Martha: W-Who are you? How did I get here?

Lord Rasputin: Trying to play dumb with a devil? That trick doesn't work with spirits.

Lord Rasputin: I don't have to tell you anything. I answer no one's questions...

Before she could move, she realized both of her hands were chained against the wall, including her neck. Suddenly, the door creaked open. It was Daphne walking in the room, looking more malicious and paler like a ghost. Her eyes were bright red and her horns were sticking out.

Daphne: I see you have met my dad...I'm his daughter. I command that you respect the greatest Lord Rasputin.

Martha: I'm not listening to you, Daphne. Get me out of here!

Daphne used her powers to inflict physical pain onto Martha.

Daphne: Silence! Talk back to me again or else I'll rip out your innards and feed them to the hellhounds!

Daphne: You probably thought I was joking earlier, but Hell is no joke. I'm the princess here!

Martha: If this is about Vince, it's not my fault he fell in love with me.

Martha: After all, you don't own his heart.

Daphne: How tacky of you for attempting to bring me down with your pathetic love words about him.

Daphne: You're just a weak mortal who came along and stole him from me!

While Vincent was still on the surface world, he just came jogging out of the forest with Marco and Anthony. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. He couldn't tell what it was, but his intuition told him so when he saw the clouds turning darker up the sky and the sound of thunder.

Marco: I've never seen the sky getting dark so fast...

Anthony: We should probably head home before it's too late.

Vincent: He panicked and said. Martha...I need to see if she's okay! Follow me first!

They ran as fast as they could towards the dorms on campus until they reached Martha's dorm room. Vincent barged the door open, but Martha was nowhere to be found.

Vincent: Oh, no...Martha isn't here.

Vincent: Turned towards his friends. Only one person could put her in danger. We must save her.

He took out his silver pendant and pressed the button on it. The blue light brightened and the guys disappeared, fading into darkness. In Hell, Daphne wasn't done torturing Martha verbally and physically. She wanted to make sure Martha suffered every moment in the underworld.

Daphne: Not fun being tortured, huh? But I don't deserved it!

Daphne: It's very entertaining seeing you hopeless and chained up like a caged animal.

Vincent appeared with Marco and Anthony.

Vincent: And I bet it'll be entertaining seeing you beg for mercy once I break those horns of yours!

Lord Rasputin: Here to win your little girl back right, Vince? Sorry, but you don't belong to her.

Lord Rasputin: If you don't reciprocate my child Daphne's wishes, the girl shall die. It's one choice or the other.

Vincent: That's not for you to decide! I will never sacrifice her for someone else.

He ran forward to rescue Martha, but Lord Rasputin snapped his fingers and flames formed a boundary between him and Martha. He made it impossible for Vincent to get through since those flames can harm mortals, but are harmless towards demons.

Lord Rasputin: Don't be a fool, Vince. Letting go isn't my way.

Daphne: She appeared in front of him. Honestly, did you forget what we are capable of, Vince?

Daphne: We tried to make it quick and easy, but guess mongrels need to learn the hard way.

Vincent couldn't hold it any longer, so he transformed into his beastly werewolf self. His clothes were torn and he growled viciously at Daphne and Lord Rasputin. He tried to fight with them one on one, but couldn't do much because they were much stronger than him. Daphne flew high up in the air and landed on his back, scratching his back with her sharp nails. Vincent roared in pain and retreated back from his opponents.

Lord Rasputin: You always seem to forget we are demons for a reason!

Marco and Anthony came from the other side of the flames and were ready to attack them full force. They turned into werewolves as well and lunged at Lord Rasputin and Daphne. Lord Rasputin pushed werewolf Marco back with his strength while Anthony dodged Daphne's attacks. All of a sudden, other creatures of Hell appeared and they were outnumbered. Other monstrous demons dodged their attacks and Vincent fought every single one of them without looking away. He even tore some of them into shreds with his fangs. However, he was still unable to defeat Lord Rasputin since even the strongest mortals on earth could fail to overpower him.

Unknown to everyone, Marco and Anthony both managed to get past the flames and free Martha from her chains. They turned back into their human forms.

Marco: Hold still, Martha.

Anthony: We will free you...stay quiet!

They used a big broken piece of stone and smashed the chains apart. Martha was able to get them off of her arms and neck before running to see how Vincent is doing fighting off the demons. She yelled his name.

Martha: Vince!

But before she could get any closer, Daphne sensed she was freed and knocked her to the wall when she was just a few feet away from Vincent.

Daphne: How silly...You'll never get close to Vince again!

Daphne: The more he fights with my dad, the more he's willing to go dark hahaha.

Martha: No, he won't! There are some battles that are worth fighting for!

Martha: Him fighting will bring the light out of the dark!

Daphne: What a sad, hopeless soul you are...If you want to get closer to him, prove your worth to me!

Before she could react, Martha found a silver cross necklace on the ground. She picked it up and wore it around her neck.

Lord Rasputin: How did you find that? Stop, NO!

Daphne: Don't wear it! It'll burn us...

They both screamed and yelled so loud. They tried to escape from the room, but it was useless. Both Lord Rasputin and Daphne evaporated into black flames. All the other demon creatures were predisposed to this object and were eliminated all at once.

Martha: She fell down to the ground and gasped heavily.

Once she ran towards Vincent, he changed back to his human form but he had so many wounds and bruises with blood trickling down from his mouth.

Martha: Vince, it's me...Martha! They're both gone...

Vincent: With a weak voice. Good to know you're safe, m-my love.

He struggled to speak a few more words and could barely keep his eyes open and move his body. He used up every bit of his strength and was weakened immensely.

Martha: NO, Vince! Please don't leave me!

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