Chapter 4: Mortal Enemies

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However, not everyone was asleep during midnight. Vincent was taking late night walks and couldn't sleep because he was a nocturnal creature like vampires were. There was a full moon in the night sky that resembled a giant coin. While he was walking silently by himself, he stopped when he noticed a dark, mystical creature with a bright, red aura surrounding him. He had a cracked white skin, glowing red eyes, and sharp canine teeth. It was one of the winged demons called Naro sent by Lord Rasputin from hell to find and capture Vincent after years of evading him.

Naro: Found you at last, you mongrel. Lord Rasputin has been expecting you...

Vincent: How many times do I have to repeat myself to you? I don't give a sh*t about what his deals are with me...

Vincent: That penetrating glare of your doesn't scare me into giving in...

Naro: You're nothing but a wolf boy who thinks you have the mightiest strength, but possess the weakest soul of them all.

Naro: You poor, desperate mortal.

Vincent: Whatever...I don't fear your heart-ripping and flesh-feeding master. He should fear ME!

He transformed into a wolf and howled at the full moon above. His eyes, normal gray, turned into a piercing amber color. He growled and hissed at the winged demon revealing his animalistic and beastly nature. Naro raised his clawed hands up high and used his psychic electrokinesis power against Vincent. But Vincent knew how to fight properly against immortal demonic creatures and was able to dodge his attacks. When that didn't work, Vincent and Naro physically fought each other and Naro scratched the fur on his arms with his claws. Vincent fell back and whimpered in pain. In the corner, Vincent's two friends Marco and Anthony suddenly appeared and came to Vincent's aid to help defend him from Naro.

Marco: Your powers are pathetic, Naro!

Anthony: Might as well get a taste of our blow!

They both turned into werewolves at the same time and lunged at the demon.

Just as Naro was about to attack again, Vincent pulled out his crossed chain necklace from underneath the collar of his shirt to perform an exorcism on Naro. The demon yelled in pain.

Naro: NO! Stop torturing me!

But it was too late because he's been exposed too much to silver. The very thing that weakens all creatures of the underworld. His aura got destroyed and he vanished into thin air. When the small fight was over, the werewolves turned back into their human form.

Marco: Vince, are you okay? Who was that creature?

Vincent: He's a demon from Hell...He came to find me from Lord Rasputin's command.

Vincent: Good thing I didn't wake the neighbors here.

Anthony: They better not show up near our university. Otherwise, it'll be too dangerous.

Vincent: Maybe I shouldn't wander out at night so much. More of them could appear next time, not just one.

The following days after, Martha had no chance of avoiding Vincent because he shared two other philosophy elective courses with her at the same period. One early morning when she was finished with her botany class, she was walking slowly near the lockers when Jasiah came to spark another conversation with her.

Jasiah: What's up, Oasis springs girl? Did you do anything fun over the weekend?

Martha: Nah, weekends are boring to me. I don't like going out too much.

Jasiah: But you should. You just missed watching the latest football match last night at Amane Stadium.

Jasiah: Our team won against USM!

Fate of DuskOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora