Chapter 12: Part of Me

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While Martha was in class a few minutes before it started, she realized other students were outside of the door waiting, but she didn't see Vincent. She was a bit frantic, but ignored her intuition about where he could be.

Martha: On the inside. Now, now Martha. Don't overthink. He's gonna be here soon.

After all students were allowed inside the classroom, the substitute began lecturing for today's lesson, but Martha couldn't focus and take notes. Neither was Professor Bromwell here. Only thing she was worried about was Vincent. She expected to hear a sudden knock on the door, but she didn't.

Martha: On the inside. Where could Vince be? He's never been late to classes!

Martha: She thought to herself. Strange how both him and Professor Bromwell are absent!

She waited for an hour until the professor dismissed all students from class. Martha decided to look for Vincent herself because she couldn't stand the thought of not knowing where he was. She first decided to go to the boys' dorm on campus and checked to see if Vincent lives among those rooms. However, as she was running through the halls, some random guy with dyed dark blue hair came out of the shower stall with a towel wrapped around his body.

Blue haired guy: Why are you here, girl? This is the dudes' dorm.

Martha: Responded awkwardly. Erm...sorry. I was looking for Vince. Does he live in one of these dorm rooms?

Blue haired guy: Haha, you're funny. I don't know anything about this Vince guy you're talking about...

Blue haired guy: With a perverted smile. How about you join me in my room? Would love to pamper a princess like you.

Martha: No, thanks. I'm not in the mood for some "royal treatment". 

She abruptly walked off and headed downstairs from where she came from. Last resort she could think of was the Grand Union building where most students go for special club events. She started to sweat from walking so much, but she was determined to find Vincent. Upon arriving there, she saw Marco and Anthony together. They were talking about Vincent.

Marco: Hey, man. What's up with Vince? I thought he'd be here to join us.

Anthony: Well his uncle, Professor Bromwell, called and told me he's having a lunatic crisis.

Martha: On the inside. Did I hear that correctly? A lunatic crisis? She boldly walked up to them.

Martha: You guys are Vince's friends, right? Do you know where he could possibly be?

They turned around once they heard her voice. Without hesitating, they gave her his house address and she wasted no time going there. She ran as fast as she could while catching out of breath. She stopped immediately once she reached the house with the correct number. She gasped for air and knocked on the door. Professor Bromwell opened the door.

Professor Bromwell: Martha, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on campus still?

Martha: I know, but...I wanna see Vince. Do you think you can let me in?

He opened the door widely to allow her in and she smelled something bizarre coming from the kitchen. Mrs. Bromwell was there making something. She spotted smoke coming out of a big pot and the substance wasn't something she could identify.

Mrs. Bromwell: She turned around and saw Martha. I see you're worried about Vince. He's not used to lunar eclipse hours.

Mrs. Bromwell: I made wolfsbane potion for him to drink. It's helping, but he still needs time to adjust.

Martha: Is it okay for me to see him? Where is he?

Mrs. Bromwell: In his room. Be careful to not barge in because he might get mad.

She quietly tiptoed to the room with the door closed. She slowly turned the handle and walked in. She found Vincent sleeping on his bed and breathing heavily. There were broken chairs and ripped clothes on the ground. Vincent noticed Martha was in his room.

Martha: Sat beside his bed on the ground. Vince, are you okay? Your aunt told me everything...

Vincent: Yes, I'm alright. I'm sorry about today, my love. I feel bad for not messaging you...

Martha: Please don't apologize, Vince. It must have been hard for you. I knew something was wrong when the moon became slightly red.

Martha: If you need more rest, I understand. I should probably go...

Vincent: He quickly grabbed her arm. No, don't go, Martha!

Vincent: Please stay a little longer...So I can feel better.

He pulled the blankets off of him and sat up straight from the bed. She sat down with him without breaking eye contact.

Martha: You sure you won't fly in a rage like a hungry coyote?

Vincent: Martha, I can still control myself to a certain extent...I won't let my greatest weakness overtake me.

Martha stared silently in his eyes as if she was contemplating once again. She tried to open her mouth to say a few words, but thought of how to say it.

Vincent: What are you thinking, my love?

Martha: I never asked you this before...But what's your biggest fear?

Vincent: My biggest fear is losing you, Martha. I can't imagine a single moment without you present.

Vincent: You're unconventional, intellectual, and an oddball. Everything I wanted in a woman.

Vincent: I don't want to stand by you as a scared boy who runs away from conflict. I stand by you as a man.

Martha: Might sound odd, but I've been waiting for you to sweep me off my feet since the day we met.

Martha: I still wonder how my parents would react knowing I'm dating a wolf. Especially my dad.

Vincent: They'll have no choice but to accept me for who I am. Magical creatures like me can never stop existing.

Vincent: Not only do they exist, but they live among people like you.

Martha: Not a day goes by where you're not on my mind, Vince. I've always been a thinker, but never one for love.

Martha: All I wanted was to feel accepted...Despite my flaws.

Vincent: You're my soulmate, Martha. Nothing can change that.

Vincent: You make it easier for me to breathe and fight.

Martha: I was drowning in the ocean, but you held my hand and prevented me from sinking.

He gently stroked her head and kissed her on the lips.

Vincent: Everything about you is so soft to touch...

Vincent's aunt and uncle were outside of his room hearing their love talk. They were both very happy for them.

Mrs. Bromwell: She really is something to Vince right, honey?

Professor Bromwell: I knew she was the right one. She's more than just a bright student.

Mrs. Bromwell: Martha has brought him to be more down-to-earth and honest with his emotions.

Mrs. Bromwell: She really isn't like the other girls. She's a sponge for him.

Martha decided to spend the night at Vincent's house to sleep since it was getting too late to get back to her dorm. When the lunar eclipse was over, Vincent's frantic impulses stopped altogether. Everything was normal as it was before. However, one day when Martha was just going outside shortly for a small walk, someone was following her. It was Daphne. Finally, she got closer and put her hand over Martha's mouth.

Daphne: Time to take a trip with me in Hell!

Then they both vanished into thin air. 

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