Chapter 3: Friends But Foes

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Jasiah noticed what made Martha lose her focus on him and felt a bit defeated at the fact that she was less interested in what he had to say and immediately brushed off the topic. Ashley noticed that Martha was staring at Vincent.

Ashley: I see you checking out the "bear" of our uni...He's the big fish in the pond no one can catch.

Martha: Well, Vincent spoke to me this morning when I had a meeting with my advisor...

Martha: He asked me so many questions about myself...

Ashley: That's atypical coming from him since he barely makes a move on anyone...Not even the junior girls.

Ashley: Any girl would be lucky to have him, but apparently no one's good enough for him.

Ashley: Like seriously, don't waste your time on him.

Vincent was still tuned to their conversation and heard everything they said meters away. His friends Marco Foster and Anthony Wilhemi noticed he was listening to what Ashley was saying to Martha about him.

Vincent: He thought to himself. It's true I almost never approach girls, but can't say the same about Martha.

Vincent: On the inside. It's obvious that Ashley is trying to discourage her from getting close to me.

Marco: I hear those girls talking about you...What do you have to say about that, Vince?

Vincent: As a matter of fact, one of them is a freshman and I met her this morning...

Anthony: You mean the ravenhead girl? I've never seen her here before.

Vincent: Yep, she's the one I'm talking about...She shouldn't believe everything Ashley's trying to say to her about me.

Marco: You're awfully fond of that girl, aren't you?

Vincent: Can't deny I like the name Martha. Sounds very queer, but exotic.

When their little lunch break was over, Martha had nothing to do but loiter outside the cafeteria talking with her new friends Ashley and Jasiah. Ashley wondered if she had classes right after this or not, and Jasiah got himself together and awkwardly asked for her number so they could "keep in touch".

Ashley: Me and Jasiah's next class will start soon in 10 minutes. What class do you have after this, Martha?

Martha: I have World Myth, but I've got plenty of time left before it starts.

Ashley: World Myth? I didn't know there's a class like that here!

Martha: I know right? Don't understand how it's required for my major.

Jasiah: Sorry, you got distracted by that "bear" during lunch break, but I wanted to ask if I can have your number.

Jasiah: I'd like to be friends with you too, Martha. If you don't mind...

Martha: Uh, sure...We can be friends too, Jasiah.

Martha: I can give you my number now if you want.

Ashley: On the inside. First time I noticed a freshman as a bait for many guys...I hope Jasiah doesn't get too friendly with her.

Soon after her new "friends" left, Martha had nothing to do so she loitered around for 5 more minutes and decided she wanted to leave the dining center too. She tried to look for Vincent, but he was nowhere to be found among the crowd of stationary, unknown students.

Martha: On the inside. I don't want to stand here for so long...I should go to my next class.

Martha: On the inside. I don't care if I'm too early.

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