Chapter 14 - House Of Vitali's

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We followed Vinchenzo, Gianni and Francesca into a massive house. Simply from how long the driveway was, I knew the house was grand. As soon as we walked in, three women dressed in all black approached us and took our bags.

The house was morbidly quiet. There was no life to it. It was however magnificent and extravagant. It looked like it costed a fortune from the silver and diamond chandeliers to the plush beige couches. It took my breath away but it brought me such sadness to know that this house was empty basically the whole year.

"Whose house is this?" Sienna asked in awe as she looked around.

"The Vitali's." Gianni responded gruffly as he walked up to one of the stair cases which swirled all the way up to the next story of the house.

"It is breath-taking... wow!" She whispered.

Vinchenzo didn't seem to care. He was texting away on his phone.

"Aren't you glad to be back?" I asked him.

"No." He retorted, and I sighed.

I had no idea why it suddenly clicked that he hated his father. I thought he was grieving the loss of his dad, not... I don't know what he was doing even. He was being so strange.

"Show me your room." I said.

"Absolutely not." He said shaking his head.

"Oh, come on! Pretty please? With a cherry on top!"

"Fine." He sighed, "It's up here." He said and began leading the way up the stairs.

The second story was just as gorgeous as the last. There were huge French doors which led onto a balcony that overlooked the blue sea. You could also see the Vitali's backyard and their garden. From way up here it looked like someone had been looking after it. The nature seemed to be under professional control which I admired.

We, however, carried on walking and I never had a chance to look at the beautiful scene more. We carried on down long passageways until we finally came to a halt in front of a black-painted door. Vinchenzo slowly pushed the door open and looked inside. He beckoned for me to come in after him and I did.

"So, this was your teenage bedroom?" I asked looking around.

"Yes." He responded as he walked over to a shelf and touched a photograph of a young boy with a beautiful woman. The young boy was hugging the woman and both had massive grins.

"Your mom?" I asked him as I took a guess.

Vinchenzo nodded, "Yes. This is Bianca Vitali."

"She is beautiful." I exclaimed and I meant it.

"Thank you." He whispered and then moved onto another photo which four young boys and a girl in it.

"This here is me and my siblings. This Francesca she was roundabout six years old," he said pointing to the girl whose hair was in pigtails and had chocolate smeared all over her face, "This here is Gianni. It was obviously before the accident but here he also knew nothing as he was three or four years old," He said pointing to a boy who had green eyes and dirty hair, "This is Sergio. Here he was six years old," he said pointing at the boy who was hugging Gianni and had sand covering his feet, "This here is me and my elder brother Luca." He said as he pointed at the eldest two boys who almost looked identical. I would not have been able to tell them apart had Vinchenzo not had green eyes.

In the photo you could see that Luca was taller than Vinchenzo and he had brown eyes.

"Where is Luca now?" I asked.

"He is dead."

I gasped, "What happened?"

"Luca was kidnapped as a child. Father taunted the kidnappers saying that they only took Luca for the ransom money and that they would not actually kill him."

"But they did." I whispered.

"Yes. Father was arrogant."

"This must have broken your mothers' heart." I stated as I watched his facial expressions.

He nodded, his eyes dull, "That was when their relationship broke apart. Mother hated him to the ends of the earth. She spent years crying over the loss of Luca but father... he was indifferent. He took down all the photos of Luca and pretended like he didn't exist. That ripped mother apart further. She hated dad completely."

"I understand. She lost her firstborn child." I said sadly.

We both came from families whom life had dealt awfully sad cards to. I understood his pain. Loss was not a great emotion to have to deal with. I always wish that no one would have to experience the pain of it. It was unbearable.

"Father was a bastard in his lifetime. Sometimes I can't stand him. However, I feel so conflicted because at the end of the day he was my father. He taught me how to shoot, he taught me a lot of skills that I possess."

"It's okay to love him and feel sad about his death. You should grieve."

"You don't understand. I don't want to grieve or feel sad for him. He brought this on himself, Red. He was a bad man. He meddled with things. He brought pushed Eliza to the point of killing him."

"Eliza killed your father."

"That is her handwriting."

"So, she is powerful." I gulped.

"Indeed." He said as he walked away from the shelf.

I remained behind and looked at all the photographs. There were many of him and Luca but as the kids in the photos grow, Luca disappeared. Bianca too disappeared. There weren't any photos of the children with Leonard which did not surprise me. I expected that. He wasn't the most loving parent a child could have.

I looked at all the trophies Vinchenzo had on display. Many were academic awards whilst he also had a whole bunch of various martial arts trophies.

"Karate master?" I asked.

"Sensei you mean."

"You have a black belt?"


"In which ones?"

"Judo, Karate and Taekwondo."

"That is impressive." I commented.

"Thanks." He said shyly.

I sent him a small smile and carried on ruffling through his things until I found something that shocked me to the ends of the earth.

"I can't believe it!" I gasped. 

Hey Reddies!

Happy Friday! This week flew by quite quickly, it was insane!

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