Chapter 32 - Discarding Evidence

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"No, not that one!" I hissed and tossed the loofah back on the shelf, "Get the one with the plastic packaging." 

"Why?" Vran asked puzzled at my request.

Of course, he would not think the situation through.

"I don't want our fingerprints to be anywhere!"

"He is an evil man, they will be happy he turned up. The wanted poster said dead or alive."

"I don't care, I don't want to be tied to this. The FBI won't protect me." I stated.

"Weren't you the best agent?"

"Sure, if you count me hiding evidence, misleading them and lying to them as good then yeah I deserve the agent of the year award." I hissed sarcastically.

"Woah," Vran said nodding his head looking quite impressed, "You're a proper badass Ari."

I sighed as I grabbed a pink loofah in a plastic package and tossed it into the shopping cart. I also grabbed a soap bar. 

"What's next?" Vran asked.

"Medical gloves," I stated.

"Doesn't our shopping cart look a little suspicious to you?" 

"We will grab some items," I said as I walked over and put the shampoo and conditioner I used.

"I need some deodorant," Vran said.

"Oh yeah, I can tell," I said fake gagging.

Vran rolled his eyes, "Oh please man! Don't be dramatic."

I just shook my head and began searching the aisles for the medical gloves we needed.

Earlier this morning, when I finished my shower I had immediately dried my hair and headed straight to Vinchenzo's office where I told him of what happened to Stalias. He had then suggested that Vran and I go to the store and buy whatever we needed to send Iñigo's body to the FBI without having it traced back to us. That was how we ended up here. 

"I think they will probably be by the baby stuff." Vran said.


"Babies are gross. They will probably make gloves so that their... bodily fluids and solids don't touch the poor parents." Vran gagged.

I just laughed as I walked down the medicinal aisle and found them near the vitamin jars. 

"Here!" I grinned and tossed the box into the cart.

"Now refuse bags." Vran said.

"Not a coffin?"

"He doesn't deserve it." He gritted his teeth.

"At least a cardboard box."

"A paper-thin one would be great."

I shrugged as I headed towards the tills and began to place all the objects so that the cashier could scan the items. The cashier was a very sweet lady who wordlessly and quickly got all of the items scanned. I then paid and thanked her before we exited the store and headed to the black SUV we had taken from the compound.

"How does it feel to be Vinchenzo's brother?"

"Half-brother." He corrected before he reversed and began driving back home.

I kept quiet.

"It is weird. My father always raised me as an only child and the sole heir to the family. Like I've said before, he always put a lot of pressure on me and the punishments were brutal. I feel hatred that my father kept this secret away from me. I could have found solace in my brother. I could have had a shoulder to lean on. I didn't gain one brother, I gained two brothers and a sister too. It was strange regulating but I managed."

It was clear to me that Vinchenzo had not told him about Sergio.

"Do you prefer being an only child?" 

He shook his head frantically, "No. It's the loneliest thing  in the world."

I nodded but chose to remain silent. I could see that Vran was lost in thought as he seamlessly weaved through traffic. When we got to the compound Vran unloaded the three bags from the boot and we headed straight to Vinchenzo's office to show him our purchases.

"Okay, I will send someone to take care of it." He said as he took the bags from Vran and then grabbed his phone and made a phone call.

When the three men showed up to the office Vran offered to go with them and show them the site where it all happened. 

"Do they know it was Vran and I?" I asked him as soon as the door closed.

Vinchenzo shook his head, "The fewer people that know the better. Vranchesco took the fall for this one." 

I nodded and watched as he sifted through some papers. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw he had a bunch of legal documents in front of him.

"I can't tell you yet." He said as he put them away.

"Tell me!" I pleaded.

"You will know one day." He said smiling at me.

I decided to drop the topic- as I knew I couldn't get anything out of him unless he wanted me to know - and instead just watch him work in silence. 

"When do you intend to start planning the wedding?" Vinchenzo asked suddenly as he looked up from the papers.

The question threw me off guard. The last thing on my mind was our wedding, I had been so worried about Vinchenzo staying alive that I had temporarily forgotten about our supposed to be wedding.

"Now?" I asked. 

He nodded, "Sounds good."

"I think we should stick to April."

"April sounds great." He said and I smiled.

I can't believe this was actually happening. I was going to marry the love of my life. The only thing that could ruin this moment would be if I woke up and all of this was a long crazy dream. I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't and for the first time, I felt happy to feel that small jolt of pain. 

Hey Reddies!

Imagine I ended this series saying 'and it was all a dream' lol

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote and comment if you liked it!


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