Chapter 28 - Truth Uncovered

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"What did you do?" I said as I dropped to my knees, reality hitting me hard.

"Did what you were never going to do." Vranchesco said as he marched up to me and tossed his gun to the floor and sat down beside it. He grabbed a small box from his jacket and began to reload his gun.

"I was going to." I hissed.

I still hated him. I did not want to be around him.

"You were stalling. He knew you weren't going to do it but the sad fool didn't anticipate someone else to do it." He shrugged as he closed Iñigo's eyes and faced me.

"I was enjoying his torment." 

"Keep lying to yourself, Ari. I am not stupid and I don't believe you. Not one single bit."

Perhaps he was right, maybe I had been stalling the inevitable?

"I don't care if you believe me."

"We are still fighting and hating each other?" He asked.

"No, we are best friends! Like BFFAE! As in best friends forever and ever. You only hit me with a Jeep Wrangler and hospitalised me for months. No biggie." I said with an extra cheery voice and fluttered my eyelashes at him in a sarcastic manner.

Vran nodded his head, "I didn't do it out of free will. Father needed the key back. I was drunk. I have spent every day regretting the decision."

"Thank heavens I saw your true colors before I married you." 

"Ari, please. Remember the good times we had together. That night was a mistake. I will live the rest of my life regretting it. I want us to be friends again."

"Friends?" I snorted with a laugh.

Is it rude to laugh over the corpse of someone you despise?

"Yes. I am truly sorry." I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I wanted to believe him, I really did.

If life has taught me one thing it was about trust. Trust was even more fragile than glass. Trust wasn't something that could be broken and then easily repaired. My father used to always tell me that trust was like a piece of paper. Once you crumple it, no matter how hard you try to smoothen it out, it will never return back to how it originally was. 

"We can't be friends Vran. I don't trust you."

"I will prove to you that you can."

I shook my head, "I don't know if I will ever be able to get over what you did. It is not something small. It's not like you broke my favourite mug, Vran. You broke most of my bones but worst of all you broke my trust." 

"I know. You know just as much as I do how much power the Don wields over the family. If I hadn't done Constanzo's will he would have had me beat up and chained for days without food. He was ruthless. He never showed that side of himself to you because he was too busy living in his fantasy world where you were Kara. I have never seen him behave like that with anyone. Not even me his own child."

"I'm so s-"

"Hear me out Ari." He implored.

I nodded my head and remained silent.

"My dad is obsessed with your mom. He suffers from the 'if I can't have her then no one can' mentality and he chose to do what he did when she chose your father over him."

"Good choice on her part." I said.

Vran ignored me, "When he knew of your existence he did all he could to keep you safe in hopes of marrying you off to me. He wanted to live through me. That day when I walked in my room bloodied, it was because of father. I refused to do what he wanted me to do and so I had to suffer the consequences of my choices. He is not a good man. My whole child he has done nothing except be disappointed in me and oftentimes tell me how much he never wanted me but then you came along and when he knew we were together, I saw a small gleam of pride in his eyes."

"It was small. But it was still there. Then you ran away and all of a sudden he was worse than before. I am not telling you all of this to pity me, I don't want your pity or sympathy. I just wanted to explain to you why I did what I did. I will never press you to forgive me and I will never speak to you again if that's what you want. Tell me what you want and I will respect your wishes." He said.

I sighed, "These mafia men can be really difficult."

Vran nodded, "They can." 

"I need time to think about all of this. First, I want to see if Vinchenzo is okay." I stated still worried about him.

Vran stood up and gave Stalias a kick. He didn't move. I stood up and dusted the leaves and sand off my clothes.

"Lets find my brother, we will deal with this later." Vran said as we both grabbed our guns and left Stalias lying on the floor where Vran shot him.

As peered over the large boulders I saw Vinchenzo at the front wielding a massive gun. I didn't know what it was called but he seemed to be doing a lot of damage. 

I gasped when I saw one of the men of the opposing team crawling behind him and before I knew it I ran around the boulder and charged at the man. He was focused heavily on Vinchenzo so he didn't see me.

"Arianna!" I heard Vran call but I didn't listen.

"Vinchenzo!"I screamed as I watched the man aim the gun.

Vinchenzo suddenly whipped around and in some ninja move, he grabbed the gun from the man's hand and had it at his head in seconds.

"Are you crazy?" Vran said as he followed after me and grabbed my hand.

I ignored him but when I turned back around I saw the man lying motionless on the ground and Vinchenzo looking at us.

Hey Reddies!

I hope you enjoyed this update! What do you think of what Vran said? Do we like him again? Arianna doesn't.

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I will see you guys next update!


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