Chapter 35 - Christmas Eve

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The weeks kept flying by and the wedding was creeping closer. Only four months now and Vinchenzo and I would tie the knot in one of the biggest churches ever. 

I had already finalised most things but had the small things left. Sienna had been a great help throughout it all. She willingly attended every dress appointment and gave her honest non-biased opinion on each dress I tried on until we found one. She helped pick out the menu and design it too.

"I think that makeup look will suit you best. I think it will make you absolutely regal!" Sienna said as she swiped through the pictures I had taken screenshots of from Pinterest. 

"Guess we will have to see at the trial."

"When is it booked for?"

"Next year. Eighth of January." I said looking at my calendar to confirm.

She grinned, "I am excited! Four months now!"

I smiled and pulled her into a hug. 

"Thank you for all your help. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course although not the whole day. Danté and I have some plans."


"Goodnight Ari." She smiled as she blushed.

"Goodnight!" I said as I walked into the room.

Vinchenzo and I had plans tomorrow too. I was excited that tomorrow was Christmas Eve because Christmas is my favourite holiday. I love the snow, the trees, the decorations as well as the cookies and hot cocoa. Mostly I loved the sense of family that Christmas brought. 

I quickly got ready for bed by showering, brushing my teeth and braiding my hair into plaits so that it would have a cute wave for when I woke up.


"Good morning sleepy head!" My love fiancé walked in with a grin on his face and a Santa hat on his head. He was so damn cute!

"Good morning!" I greeted and giggled when I saw that he had brought me a mug filled with hot cocoa and a Christmas hat for me to wear too.

"You better drink this before it cools down. It's snowing." He told me and I grinned as I ran to the window to see the snow falling elegantly all over the field, coating it with a beautiful white coat.

"My favourite view." I smiled as I took a sip of the hot cocoa that Vinchenzo had curated for me, "Mom and I used to sit on the window sill and watch the snowflakes fall. Sometimes Alison would join us but not always, it was sort of our thing."

"It is a sight to behold." He agreed.

We watched the snow in silence and as soon as we were both done with our hot cocoa we headed out. Vinchenzo drove us to a lot that contained two Uhaul trucks.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

I was under the impression that we would be heading to an orphanage to play with some kids.

"I bought the kids some toys. No child should have to celebrate Christmas without a gift." He said as he parked the Mercedes we had opted to drive.

I smiled as we both got out of the car and headed towards one of the trucks. When he opened the back I could not believe my eyes.

"This is incredible!" I gasped.

Vinchenzo just shrugged, "We better get going. Times ticking." 

We both got into the truck and Vinchenzo began to drive it. Seriously, what could this man not do? When we got to the orphanage we began to unload the uhaul truck that Vinchenzo had stocked to the brim with as many toys as he could possibly fit. 

"The glow on the faces of these kids is the best thing," I said as I saw kids hugging stuffed animals, their smiles stretching wide across their faces.

"Me too. If good deeds don't count double today then their faces are worth it." He smiled as he carried on unpacking box after box without breaking a sweat.

When we were done at the orphanage the ladies thanked us endlessly.

"You have made their day if not their year!" She said, "We are so grateful! We struggle each year to try to buy something small so that everyone has something but this..." She sniffled as she gestured at the packed room, "This is a true Christmas miracle."

"We're glad we could make them happy. The joy on their faces warms my heart." Vinchenzo said.

His words warmed my heart. 

"What's next?" I grinned as soon as we were done playing with the kids and making sure everyone had at least three presents.

"You'll see." He said as we got back into the truck and drove back to the empty depot.

When I saw him pull out another set of Uhaul truck keys I assumed we were going to deliver another load of gifts but when Vinchenzo stopped at a soup kitchen it occurred to me he had bought them supplies. This made me really happy. 

As soon as we were parked I hopped out and began helping him carry boxes. The manager's mind was blown as he helped us carry the supplies in.

"This will keep us running for who knows how many years!" He exclaimed as soon as we were done unpacking.

"No one deserves to be hungry," Vinchenzo replied as he handed the man a card, "This is my assistant's number. If you ever need any supplies call him and he will organise what you need."

"Thank you! Thank you!" The man said with happy tears.

"Now what else can we help with?" He asked him.

That was how we very happily spent our Christmas Eve serving everyone who came a warm meal with a hot drink. The night escaped as we helped person after person. The satisfaction on their face made my night. When Vinchenzo and I were done helping the volunteers clean up it was already one am and we were exhausted.

As we walked out the door Vinchenzo stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss causing a blizzard to manifest in my stomach. I placed my hand on his cheek and stood on my tippy toes as I deepened the kiss. When we finally broke apart, my heart was pounding at a hundred beats a second (impossible I know but that's how I felt) and I was out of breath.

"I couldn't let that go to waste," Vinchenzo said as he pointed upwards.

A mistletoe.

Hey Reddies!

If only I posted this chapter on the 24th of December... but the wait would have been too long! 

Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did please consider voting and leave your thoughts in the comment section!

See you next update!



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