Chapter 30 - Plan Rescue

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My heart pounded in my chest as I stepped into the Cerulean scheme room, the chaos outside was now muffled by the thick walls. The captors, both imposing figures with an air of ruthless determination, stood over Emily and Sophia, who huddled in the corner, their eyes wide with fear.

Sienna, armed with a compact but deadly silenced weapon, positioned herself with precision, ready to execute our plan. 

I once again felt the incredible surge of adrenaline course through my veins. Every instinct honed through years of training kicked in as I prepared to confront the men who towered over Emily and Sophia. The adrenaline was strong enough to wash away any ounce of fear that I may have had.

Sienna's distraction was a small metallic object which she tossed skillfully to the far side of the room. Once it hit the floor, it echoed sharply against the walls. The mens' heads turned in unison, their attention diverted just long enough for me to make my move.

I glided across the room, trying my best to make sure that my footsteps were silent on the cold floor. Closing the distance with swift, purposeful steps, I struck with the precision I had been trained for years to have. In a split second, the butt of my gun connected with the back of the first man's head, rendering him unconscious before he could emit a single sound.

The second man, although he was momentarily disoriented, quickly assessed the situation. He turned to face me, his training evident in the fluidity of his movements. A dangerous glint in his eyes signaled that he was no stranger to combat. That should have scared me but it had the opposite effect for some reason. I felt some sort of excitement as I faced him, confidence surging through my body. I hadn't done this in a long time and it felt really good.

The room became a battleground, the tension escalating with each passing second. We engaged in a rapid exchange of blows, our movements were like a choreography of violence. The confined space of the room became both ally and adversary, forcing me to adapt my techniques in order to dodge his strong blows.

I deflected the his attacks whilst countering with a series of strikes of my own aimed at incapacitating him. The fight unfolded with a deadly dance, the struggle intensified by the urgency of the rescue mission.

I knew that Sienna was observing from the shadows. I knew she had her weapon trained on the man fighting me, ready to intervene if my advantage ever wavered. The atmosphere crackled with tension, the room now an intense battleground. I was getting a little nervous because no number of blows to the head was taking this man out. 

With a final, decisive move, I incapacitated the second captor. He crumpled to the ground, defeated but not before revealing the training that made him a great fighter. The room fell into a tense silence as the captors lay unconscious, their threat neutralized.

I immediately turned to Emily and Sophia who were trembling with fear and silently gestured to them to stay low. Sienna approached silently, providing makeshift weapons to the captives, who now stood transformed from victims to allies in the fight for their freedom.

"What should we do with them?" I whispered to Sienna.

"Leave them." 

I nodded in agreement. 

Together, we all silently slipped away from the Cerulean scheme room, leaving behind the incapacitated captors.

As we left the Cerulean scheme room my mind raced with the realization that the battle within the compound was far from over. I thought this whole war would have been a few hours but it ha stretched out for far longer than I had ever anticipated for it to.

"Where do we go now?" The blonde girl asked as she shivered.

"The safe room." I said as I followed Sienna who was leading the way.

"Are you okay?" Sienna asked as soon as we all locked ourselves into the safe room. 

I shrugged, "I feel tired."

Sienna's eyes widened, "Did he hit you on the head?" 

I shook my head, "No. He got me in the arm and the stomach a few times." I explained as I looked at the nasty bruises that were already beginning to form on my pale skin.

"Vinchenzo is going to freak out." I sighed.

"Why? You did a very brave thing today." The blonde girl said as she sat next to me on the floor and crossed her legs.

"I promised him to stay put." I answered.

"Soph don't let her sleep. I am scared it is a concussion." Sienna said to the blonde girl before she walked off.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get the doc." 

"Stay here. It is not safe out there." I said.

"I will be careful." She said and slipped out before I could stop her.

"I have to follow her." I said but Sophia stopped me.

"You will cause more harm than good."

"Why does everyone keep saying that to me!" I yelled.

Sophia looked frightened as she edged away from me. I instantly felt bad.

"I am so sorry Sophia. I have had a rough day." I apologized as I relaxed against the cold wall.

"It's okay. I understand." 

I smiled at her and then fought to keep my eyes open. Maybe I did have a concussion. As I leaned against the wall I remebered things Vinchenzo had told me from when we started dating up until recently. 

"You know I would burn the whole world down just to save you."

"What about the other people?" I asked.

Vinchenzo shrugged, "Other people? They have no meaning to me. You? You are my whole world."

"You really are my real-life hero."

"Heroes will sacrifice the one they love to save the whole world. Villains would sacrifice the whole world to save the one they love."

"You are a hero in my eyes."

"I'm the villain." He said with conviction, "I will proudly embrace it. It is in my blood and I can't change it."

"You're not a villain."

"I am, Red. I am the villain, I would never sacrifice you for the world. As long as I still have you, the whole world can rot for all I care." 

Hey Reddies!

I hope you loved this chapter! I loved the ending and thought it was very sweet.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section and consider leaving a vote if you enjoyed this chapter!

See you next update.



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