Chapter 18 - The Uprisal

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I didn't understand why people in the mafia really liked delivering horrifying news in black boxes or even boxes with stinky human skulls inside of them. They were really another breed of humans. 

As soon as Vinchenzo had seen the note inside the box, one that thankfully did not have some gross human part in it, he had gone absolutely frantic and ranted on about traitors. At first, I thought that his father had left him some nasty surprise but then when we learned the content of the note we all understood why.

In the world of the mafia, things were often set in stone. People did not change sides just because they wanted to. You don't betray those who protected you or had your back. I was a newbie to this whole mafia and I still knew that. I found it hard to believe that people with all these years didn't understand the simple concept: Do not bite the hand that feeds you. 

Knowing that the Borgati mafia has now become our rival was unsettling. That meant losing one of my closest friends and some of the most important capo that we had: Trevor and Tristiaan Borgati. The twins were some of the best operatives that we had and losing them meant that two positions would open up and we would have to go through some serious screening to replace them.

"They would not betray you like that. You know them better than anyone and I am so disappointed that you are thinking of them like that!" Francesca said as she sipped her glass of whiskey.

"He is their father."

"Maybe it is not a declaration of war? Maybe he wants to go off on his own?" Francesca suggested.

Vinchenzo laughed humourlessly, "Your reading skills are clearly nonexistent. What do you understand by 'Watch your position and tread carefully' hopefully he did not mean he wanted to hold hands with me and skip around the park!" He hissed.

"Vinchenzo!" I admonished.

"I did not read the note!" Francesca yelled.

"Then you should not be making any suggestions based on things you don't know or understand!" He hissed.

Francesca stood up and threw her whiskey on Vinchenzo's head. It drenched his hair and white shirt. I saw him grit his teeth and rise from his desk chair. Francesca did not back down and although she was a whole head and a half shorter than her furious brother she still stared him down. I was genuinely nervous they were going to break into a fight.

"Uh, guys?" I asked hesitantly trying to diffuse the situation.

"What's up?" He asked not breaking eye contact whatsoever.

"You need to stop. We need to unite now more than ever." I said as Francesca finally broke her death stare and backed off. 

"You are right." Vinchenzo said as he sat back down, "To unite is what we need."

Vinchenzo appeared to be very calm for someone who just had whiskey poured all over them. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to shower or simply change his clothes which confused me.

"I hate to be a downer," I said.

"What?" Vinchenzo asked.

"We can not rely on Donfrio. We don't know if they are siding with us or with Borgati."

"They will choose Borgati. They have been lifelong friends. There is not a chance that he will pick our side in this war."

"We need to take calculated steps," Francesca said.

"I agree," I said, "Plus we have Sergio back. We have the element of surprise." 

Vinchenzo nodded, "Sergio, did Eliza know your true identity at any point?"

"Nope. She never suspected a thing." Sergio responded looking up from his phone.

"Good. So we just have to keep you out of the spotlight." I said and Francesca nodded her head at my suggestion, "That element of surprise can come in handy."

"That is what I have been doing my whole life." Sergio said and I could not help but feel sad.

He must feel so terrible to always be left out. To never be seen or heard. It must be very difficult for him. 

When the meeting in Vinchenzo's office finally ended and Sergio as well as Francesca left I turned to look at my fiancé who seemed very stressed. It was understandable. 

"You should take a shower and change. Being drenched in alcohol can't be a good feeling." I said as I walked over to his side of the desk and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

That was one thing about our relationship, neither of us had physical touch as a love language. Sure, we exchanged hugs and pecks here and there but we had never gone anywhere past second base. He and I both loved acts of service and perhaps sometimes gifts and words of reassurance. Besides, I was content with that because I had taken the vow of chastity and I was adamant on waiting for marriage. Nothing and no one would budge me on that. I was firm believer in that decision of mine. 

"You're right. It's not." He sighed as he stood up and picked up his blazer, "Get ready at noon, I want to take you out tonight. We have been in Sicily for a while now and I still have not shown you around. Besides, it would be a good way to change the dark mood around here."

I nodded feeling excited, "What should I wear?"

"Casual. We will be doing a lot of walking." He said winking as he left his office and I assumed he headed off to his room.

As I walked out and closed the door behind me, I checked my wristwatch and realised that I only had an hour and a half to get ready. I sprinted to my room and began with the preparations. I opted not to shower as I had taken one earlier and chose to instead apply another coat of roll on and began working on my hair. 

My red hair was all tangled from being thrown in a bun. I gently brushed it out and braided it into a side ponytail. Next, I raided my closet and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and paired it with a teal-colored crop top. I put on some black sandals and started on my make-up.

I liked getting ready in that order. First, the hair so that I was comfortable whilst styling it, then I got dressed, and only then would I do my make-up. It was a routine that ensured that none of my makeup would look bad or get smudged by accident.

I kept my makeup simple. I only wore some mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I was mostly really excited to tour the island, see all of the preserved history and try all of the foods and desserts that Sicily had to offer. 

I grabbed a small purse and headed out of my room and met a breathtaking Vinchenzo in the hallway waiting for me. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a green top that matched his brilliant green eyes perfectly and showed off his perfect physique. His silky brown hair was styled to perfection, not a single hair out of place.

"Are you ready, Red?" He smiled.

I nodded with a huge smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Hey Reddies!

An early update! I must admit that I am so excited to see our favorite couple tour Sicily!

If you liked this chapter please leave a vote and let me know your thoughts in the comment section! 

See you next update!



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