Chapter 34 - All About The Beta

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"Why isn't Danté asking Sienna to marry him?" 

"That's random." Vinchenzo said as he closed the door and began to drive us back to the compound, "Not what I thought we would talk about after our cake and wine tasting."

I shrugged, "I had a mini heart-to-heart with Sienna and she seems really sad how Danté hasn't made the move yet to ask her."

"Danté is my closest friend. He has his reasons." He shrugged.

"Doesn't he love her? Is it a one-sided thing?" 

I needed to know for Sienna's sake. If Danté was playing her, she had a right to know and leave him to find someone who could love her and treat her the way she deserved.

"No he does love her. He loves her a lot. His past just has a lot of influence on him and he is working through it."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Danté hasn't had the easiest life. He suffered a lot before he decided to join the Vitali family. He isn't asking Sienna to marry him because he wants to be deserving of her when he does."

"How can he decide that? Isn't that Sienna's choice to make?"

Vinchenzo shrugged, "It's up to Danté if he chooses to propose to her. It's out of our hands. I proposed to you because I knew that I could handle the responsibilities of being a husband, specifically the emotional ones. Danté knows he isn't fit and that's why he chose to take his time and work on himself before he asks her to marry him."

I nodded, "That sounds valid. What's the story of Danté's past?" I asked feeling very curious.

"I'll give you the main points. He was born into an abusive home witha drunk father who chose violence every single night," Vinchenzo's grip tightened on the wheel as he clenched his teeth. He looked anrgy.

"His wife nor his innocent young daughters were safe from him. Unfortunately, Danté's mother loved his father and opted to never call the police even though the bastard deserved it. When Danté had enough, he called the police but when they showed up the mother would act as though everything were fine and defended her husband in any way she could including making up convincing lies to cover up the bruising on her face and body."

"What about the daughters? Were they forced to lie about the bruises too?" I murmured feeling very angry.

There was no way two little girls would willingly cover up for such a monster. There would have had to been pressure to do so either by the mom or the dad.

"They were hidden. That pathetic bastards did unspeakable things to them." 

That's when the tears rolled down my face. I hated that such cruelty and evil existed in this world. 

"Tell me the mom never knew." I begged.

Vinchenzo nodded, "She didn't but Danté did and all he wished to do was rescue his mom and sisters from the monster that lived with them. His whole dream growing up was to get strong and protect his family from his own flesh and blood."

I wiped another tear from my cheek as I sat in silence pondering how strong Danté had to be to live through all of that. My question was, did he ever tell Sienna all of this? Surely if she knew she would be more understanding. However, I was not going to be the one to tell her as this was something private and Danté should tell her on his own terms, not mine. 

It was not my story tell.

"Danté decided that he was going to take matters into his own hands as his mother was still smitten with his father and was blind to all he did wrong. He planned it well and executed it one fateful evening." 

"He killed the bastard?" I asked.

Vinchenzo nodded, "The only crime that was worth the time."

"Did he go to prison?" I asked.

"No," Vinchenzo shook his head, "That was the night he got involved with the Vitali family." 

"Does everyone you take in have a good reason to be taken in?" I asked.

"Of course. I got away from father because I didn't want to hurt innocent people. That's not my style. That's not who I want to be." 

"We can both be redeemed." I said.

Vinchenzo laughed darkly, "I believe it is a little too late for me, however, I believe that you will be." 

"Don't say things like that. Everyone can be redeemed."

"Redemption can be received for small things like forgetting to walk your dog or forgetting your child's birthday. Not for someone like me. Not for someone who kills in cold blood."

I decided to keep quiet. One thing I wished for was that Vinchenzo would quit the mafia and we could lead normal lives together. I would open a small studio where I taught people, mainly children, how to defend themselves when faced with an attack whilst Vinchenzo could close down the mafia part of his business and just run it as a clean one.

A normal life was possible for us, we just had to work for it to make it happen. Now that we're getting married we would have to think about the safety of our future children. If Vinchenzo was still leading this family their lives would be at risk all of the time. That was not something I was too happy about.

You should have thought about that before falling deeply in love with the mob boss my inner voice said as I shook my head. Even though the voice was right, it was too late now to go back. I was in too deep.

"Your good deed cancel out your bad ones. On Christmas Eve your good deeds count double." I grinned.

"Did you just quite Home Alone?" He said with a twinkle in his eye.

I nodded, "I did but the message remains the same."

"Guess I have a lot of work to do on Christmas Eve then." He said as he pulled into the compound.

I smiled at him before I placed a soft gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Indeed you do." 

Hey Reddies!

I hope you guys are keeping well.

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