Chapter 25 - Strategies

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The hum of the private jet's engines was oddly soothing as we soared through the night sky, leaving behind the beauty of Italy and heading straight for the familiar chaos of New York City. It was amazing how quickly life could shift gears. One minute we were on a carefree beach trip, and the next, we were in the midst of a high-stakes power struggle. 

The plane's interior was luxurious, but there was an underlying tension that no amount of money could mask. Vinchenzo sat across from me, still pouring over his plans and strategies whilst sipping on a glass of whiskey, while I exchanged knowing glances with Sienna. She and Dante were seated nearby, engaged in a hushed conversation.

I leaned over to Sienna and whispered, "Can you believe how crazy this all got?"

Sienna, with her radiant smile and a sense of calm that always put me at ease, turned to me. "Our lives are honestly like a never-ending rollercoaster. But at least we're on it together."

I nodded, thankful for her unwavering support. "True that."

Dante, overhearing our conversation, chimed in, "And you ladies bring some much-needed sanity to this chaotic world." He gave Sienna the gooey eyes and I rolled my eyes - they were disgustingly cute together.

We all chuckled, momentarily easing the tension in the cabin. Dante was not only Sienna's boyfriend but also Vinchenzo's trusted confidant. He was the kind of guy who could charm anyone with his easygoing demeanor, yet beneath that laid a sharp mind and unwavering loyalty.

As the plane began its descent toward JFK International Airport, Vinchenzo closed his documents and looked at all of us, his green eyes held an emotion that I couldn't decipher. I wasn't sure but I felt like I saw a hint of despair in them. However, he was composed and eerily calm.

"We're almost home. Once we land, we head straight to the base. There's not a single second to waste."

We all nodded in agreement, ready to dive into whatever awaited us. The landing was smooth, and soon we were all climbing into the big black SUV's that came to fetch us and headed to the main compound. The drive was roughly twenty minutes. 

Once we arrived, Vinchenzo wasted no time. He gathered us all in his office. He began, "Alright, here's the plan, and it needs to be executed flawlessly. One mistake and you're..." He didn't fetch the sentence but he pretended to shoot the air with his fingers.

I saw the men stiffen a little. Vinchenzo had that kind of power. Most people cower in his presence and I didn't blame them it was probably from the way he presented and carried himself. Before I had gotten to know him, he gave off that vibe that read 'I will kill you if it suits me' and it took time to go away. He was scary - especially in the state he was in right now. 

"Arianna, Tristiaan, and Trevor, I need you guys to dig into any information you can find on the alliances between Donfrio, Stalias, and the remnants of the Domano family. We need to know their strengths, weaknesses, and their points of vulnerability." He said and the three of us nodded our heads.

 "Consider it done," Trevor replied.

Vinchenzo turned to Dante. "Dante, I want you to coordinate with our informants. Gather as much intel as possible on their movements, their leaders' habits, and any potential weak links."

Dante nodded, his expression serious. "You got it, Vitali."

Vinchenzo then looked at me. "Arianna, you've got a knack for strategy. I want you to work closely with Dante to devise a tactical plan that exploits any openings we find. We need to hit them where it hurts most."

I nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "I'm on it."

I am not going to lie but it felt good when he said that to me. I liked the fact that he finally recognized how useful I could be and that I did indeed have potential. I was determined to prove myself to him.

The rest of the meeting went by with Vinchenzo handing out more roles to his other capo and explaining the gravity of the situation. Many people seemed to be alarmed and I could see the look of worry cloud everyone's face. 

With our roles assigned, we dispersed to tackle our respective tasks. Tristiaan, Trevor and I retreated to a room I didn't even know existed. It was filled with computers, databases, and an assortment of high-tech gadgets. We were ready to dive headfirst into the digital realm, hunting for any information that could give us an edge, an upper hand that would allow us to win once and for all.

Hours turned into days as we scoured the internet, tapped into our network of informants, and cross-referenced data. It was painstaking work, but we knew that every piece of information we uncovered could be a game-changer. Even the smallest thing we found we took note of. 

Dante joined us periodically, sharing tidbits of information he had gathered from his sources. We pieced together a clearer picture of our enemy's intentions and movements. It was like solving a complex puzzle, and the satisfaction of finding a missing piece was addictive.  As we worked tirelessly, our determination fueled by a shared purpose.

Vinchenzo was overseeing the security preparations at the base. We had to be ready for any eventuality, and he wasn't taking any chances. He made sure that everyone was being trained efficiently and that security around all the compounds was as tight as it could be. We really could not take any chances at this point.  

Nights turned into mornings, and we barely noticed the passage of time. Caffeine-fueled discussions and impromptu brainstorming sessions became the norm. We laughed, we argued, and we bonded even further as we navigated the mystery together. Despite all of this, I could not quite understand why Donfrio would turn his back on us, he had been close friends with Vinchenzo for so long.


"Wake up sleepy head!" Sienna said as she tossed a pillow at me and I groaned.

"What?" I complained as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was exhausted.

"Vitali is calling everyone to his office." 

After she said that I jumped out of bed and threw on some nice clothes and ran to his office. When I arrived all the capo were seated and Vinchenzo was smoking a cigar as he harboured a faraway look in his eyes. 

"Sorry, I'm late." I said grabbing the nearest chair and taking a seat.

"We can now begin." Vinchenzo said as he put out his cigar and began to explain the plan to everyone.

"First, we need to create a diversion, something that will draw their attention away from us, give them something to allow them to think that they have us in the bag. We can exploit their overconfidence by feeding them false information about a critical meeting within our organization." Vinchenzo said, "Once they take the bait, we strike their flanks, targeting their supply lines and isolated outposts. We'll disrupt their ability to coordinate effectively. We will then have our rats spread rumors about internal dissent within their alliance. We want them to question their loyalty to one another."

I nodded my head. The plan was good and I was sure that we would win. We had to.

"Any questions?" Vinchenzo asked as he scanned the room.

I heard a bunch of murmured no's before I saw Vinchenzo nod.

"Let's set the wheels in motion. They will never know what's coming their way."

Hey Reddies!

Hope you guys have been having a good week! I hope you enjoy this update and let me know what you think in the comments! If you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting :)

See you next update!



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