Chapter 27 - Justice Is Served

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As I pushed through all the men, I couldn't find Vinchenzo. I had lost him in the crowds of men. I made sure to look around once more in case I had missed him, but he waas gone.

It was as though he had simply vanished into thin air. I searched all the rooms, and all the offices and went as far as to look by Dr Steven's quarters but still no luck. At this point, I began to worry.

What if he was shot and in pain? What if he was calling for help but no one heard him? The thoughts plagued my mind nonstop. 

"Have you seen Vinchenzo?" I asked as I poked my head into the Cerulean scheme room where two girls were cleaning up.

"No, sorry." The blonde girl said and immediately went back to doing the task she was most likely assigned.

I sighed as I ran out the room and back up the stairs, I was tired and out of breath but there was no way that I was going to stop searching for him. I peeked through the window and had flashbacks of when I first came to the base. That time I had been on a mission to take Vinchenzo down but now... now I was here to protect him with all I had. 

I breathed in a deep breath of air and calmed my erratic heart. I had to go out there and make sure he was safe. The feeling in my stomach was getting worse as the minutes ticked on. I walked all the way down the hallway and into Vinchenzo's office where I walked into the garage and then snuck out.

The outside was horrible.

The metallic smell of blood filled the air and it made me want to gag. A lot of men were on the ground tending to their wounds whilst sounds of gunshots filled the air. I crouched down and scanned the field looking for Vinchenzo. He was in a physical combat with a man. I grabbed the gun that I had stuffed in my boot and edged closer to the forest so that I could aim for the man and help Vinchenzo out. 

As soon as I had gotten close enough a hand wrapped itself around my mouth and I immediately began to struggle. Panic began to takeover my mind as I remembered the struggle Sienna and I had gone through when Callum Vass had sent his men to kidnap us.

I was determined to never go through that situation again. Once was traumatising enough. There was only so many times a person could be kidnapped and still remain sane. 

I used my elbow to bash it into the person holding me hostage, it took a few tried before the person loosened their death grip on me. As soon as I felt that, I took my gun and smashed it into the head. The person completely let go of me.

I whipped around to see who had grabbed me, my finger on the trigger. 

"You." I growled venomously. 

Iñigo Stalias lay on the floor staring at me with hatred in his eyes.

"You're a bi-"

"Be careful," I said as I stepped on his chest, "You are not in the position of power here."

Iñigo smiled, "That's what you think. Sooner or later one of the men will notice I am missing and will coming looking for me." 

This man was insane.

I laughed darkly as I stared at him, loving the position I was in. I saw why people loved power... it felt good.

"You are lying." I said with a cheeky grin.

He raised his eyebrow, "Why?"

"You're men know nothing about your whereabouts. You fled the country. You are on the list of the FBI's most wanted man."

"And you're going to deliver me to them?" He sneered and I pushed my foot a little harder against his chest.

I leaned forward and looked him straight in the eyes, "They want you either dead or alive. I intend to make sure the first one comes true."

Iñigo laughed, "And you're going to do it? Silly girl. You wouldn't hurt a fly."

I sighed as I placed my gun against his temple. 

"A fly didn't hurt me so why should I hurt it?" I sneered.

"If you were going to kill me, you would have done it by now."

I tsked as I laughed, "I am enjoying every moment of this. I am avenging my family for what you and your buddy Constanzo did to it."

"It was all Domano. I had nothing to do with it." He hissed.

I could see fear creep into his eyes as I pushed the gun harder against his temple.

"Maybe you didn't directly hurt my family but you hurt many others. I will do this for them. I will do it so that every life you took, every family you destroyed will have a small piece of justice that they deserve." I said as I looked him in the eyes.

Iñigo did not respond as he began to look around. Sadly for him, anything he could defend himself with was out of reach. I watched him realise that he was doomed. I watched as the hope faded from his eyes.

I flipped the safety off and placed it back on his temple but someone beat me to it. I jumped back as blood began pouring from his head. His eyes were open but every grip he had on me loosened. I couldn't believe my eyes, I hadn't pulled the trigger. Then suddenly it hit me.

He was dead. 

"You're welcome." 

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