2. A Part Where Aryan Seals Her Freedom

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"Look, at the details you sent to us!" Manik showed his mobile to me. I never thought that my one miniature typing mistake could cost my life's freedom. Instead of typing 'grey' I ordered a text as 'black' BMW. And send the message to them, this morning. I should have double-checked the details I sent them.

I can't break my Cafe things, so I tore Rahul asshole Varma's wedding card into multiple pieces and burned it on the stove.

"Ridhi!" Manik voiced from beside.

I glared at Manik. "Why didn't you check his face before hitting?"

He directed his finger at Sam. "From the first minute, Sam's blood was running cold. As if something got into her panties."

"Except for your manhood..."

"Shut up, you both. At least look at the time, somebody, and situation!" When I said somebody I referred to the pillar-like man standing in my kitchen, whose top of the head almost touched the ceiling of my kitchen. Exactly, Aryan Malhotra didn't trust me even for zero point zero one percent and sent his loyal Bodyguard to bring me to Malhotra Industries after I was done chitchatting with my friends.

"Fine, you hit the wrong person!" I took another sip of tea, well that was my third cup. "Atleast before throwing him in your gypsy, why didn't you both confirm his identity."

"We had no time, Ridhi. Guests were coming back to back to park their cars in that underground parking lot. So, we covered his face and threw him inside the gypsy as soon as possible. Apart from that it was dark too..." Samantha rambled, confronting herself. Next, she swished her hand on her face, wiping the sweat drops. "Please switch on the AC, Ridhi!"

"Fuck off!" I cried then took a sip of tea, a bite of croissant, and swallowed one coconut cookie. "What would have been better, me sleeping behind bars or living a life as Aryan Malhotra's assistant?"

"Second option!" Sam replied and stole one cookie from my plate.

We heard a throat-clearing voice, which froze the air of the aura, surrounding us. The owner was, of course, the loyal Prince. "Are you ready? Boss is waiting in his office for you!"

I dusted my hands, removed my apron, and grabbed my sling bang, "Where are you going?" Manik asked.

"To sacrifice my happy life!" I replied to them, hugging them. "Please take care of my cafe!"

I sat in a car passenger seat when Prince drove me to Aryan Industries.

"Is your Boss married?"

If yes, I am gonna report him in front of his wife. I will tell her that he offered me a lot of money to sleep with him for one night.

But I didn't receive any response from him, "I know you are not dumm." Yet, he stayed muted. My brows kissed in annoyance. "Did your Shrek command you not to speak with me? I love Shrek's animation. Did you watch it?" It's okay, Ridhi people like Prince still exist in this world. "No," I replied to myself on his behalf. "You can spare some time with your Boss and watch it together." I coiled my hands into fists. "Do you always stay this grumpy?" I yelled at him, losing my patience. I inhaled deeply and spoke sweetly with him, "Now that I am working as your Boss's assistant, we can be friends!" I offered, forwarding my hand. He kept concentration only on the road, acting as if I did not exist in that car. "You are an annoying man!" I muttered, staring out of the window. Huff! I was never ignored the way he was ignoring me.

Exactly after thirty minutes, and me trying to mince fifty percent of Prince's brain, I found myself sitting in front of Aryan Malhotra in an elegant conference room of Aryan Industries. I never thought him to be this rich.

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