5. A Part Where Ridhima Gets Tempted By Aryan

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I ambled to and fro into my room debating with my brain: Either to go and check on him or leave him. He has Prince. But why did he jump, when he knew that he could not swim and was allergic to chlorine? 

I hope the doctor has checked up on him. 

If the condition was serious, they might have informed me. 

I stared out of my window. A full and bright moon stared back at me, teasing me that I was still single. If it was not for Aryan's interference, I would have been busy with a handsome hunk at this very moment. 

"Fine!" I stormed to my door and twisted the handle but then stopped, "No!" I stopped. He yelled at me thinking that I intentionally let my lipstick stain his lips and made him fun in front of all.

Before I whirl, I received a knock on my door. I pulled open the door and saw Prince. I crossed my arms and inquired with swag, "Yes!"

"I..." he coughed. "I..." Seems like Prince is having constipation with the words. I waited until he spoke out, "I need your..." he coughed again, "help!" I twist my lower jaw with some more swag. He must have eaten millions of worms to cough out the word...HELP

I glanced at my left and right then at my behind. "You mean me?" I mocked him. He gave me a very single, curt nod. 

"Mr. Malhotra doesn't take medicine, he is phobic to them. But the doctor prescribed him anti-allergics!" He showed a sachet of cetirizine. "If he doesn't take it, I am afraid that his symptoms can worsen." 

"Ok. But how can I help you with it?"

"Ahh!" he scratched the back of his head. "I thought you might come up with an idea and make him swallow it."

After a long time, I grinned wholeheartedly and patted his shoulder. I knew one thing that Prince doesn't like me patting his shoulder. Which is why, I love it so much. "So you believe that I am smart." He stared back blankly at me, "Accept it and I will help you."

"Y...yes!" he growled.

"Did he have the dinner?" 

"No. He is not letting anyone in!"

"Can you give one order of vegetable soup to the kitchen? And the other order of one chili paneer, butter chicken, two butter naans, and one plate of Lamm biryani."

"But Boss doesn't eat this all in dinner."

"I know that's why I ordered soup for him. The remaining are for me!" He gave me a once-over. I apprehended his gaze and acknowledged, "You assumed your boss weighs as light as a feather. I put my fifty percent of energy, and glide him to the corner. And the remaining energy I spend to give him chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth respiration."

"Ok...Ok!" He articulated and wandered away before I could torture his brain more.

I knocked on Aryan's door. "Prince stop annoying me!" He barked in return.

"It's me, Ridhima!" I spoke as sweet as tiramisu.

After a long moment, I received his response. "What do you want, Ms. Sanskar!"

I sighed. I have to come up with a plan to get inside his room, "I got my period and I wanted to ask, can I send Prince to get me Sanitary napkins?" Will he let me in?

"Stop. I will get them. Till then stay in your room."

"Ok!" I waited out. When he opened his room, I stepped inside, pushing him inside. he had a head cap that dropped, revealing his red face. That might be because of the chlorine allergy, "You look like a clown!" I giggled.

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