4. A Part Where Ridhma Kisses Him

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The best way to feel remorseful is to dig the brain deeper and deeper into the crime we do. Just because you are soft, it doesn't mean you push me into a deep pit of remorse, I warned to my heart. And then signaled my brain to delete the picture of Aryan. Particularly the sad expression image when I spat that I hated him. I don't hate him, I just hate...I sighed. What do I hate exactly? He is not a bad person. He messes with me, only if I start it. 

"Mam, your order!" The boy behind the counter handed me the paper bag, containing a grilled double cheese sandwich with extra sauce.

Generally, Aryan doesn't speak with me but the silence used to be entertaining unlike that morning the silence between us was deadly and it started to bother me. So I decided to take a stroll at the airport. Because of the dulcolax, my stomach was left with nothing except the air. Therefore I stopped in front of a food court and bought a sandwich. Other than that the flight was delayed for one hour.

I sighed and looked to and fro. Holy fuck! Where the hell am I? And where should I lead my way? Boarding passes are with Aryan. I had no idea about the gate number or flight number.

I decided to make a call to Aryan but received his on the way. "Where are you, Ms. Sanskar?" As predicted, he sounded irritated.

"I got missed. What is our gate number?"

I heard him heaving with a sigh of relaxation. Did he assume that I ran away? "78!" He added. 

"I am on the way!"I cut the call...And thud my packet fell from my hand as I collided with someone.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I saw the sandwich lying on the floor, smudging it with the ketchup.

"You idiot!" I heard the lady cursing me. I lifted my head and was astounded to see Naina. "Ahh! It's you. Clumsy girl!" She mocked and smirked at me. My eyes fell on the mangalsutra circling her neck and the red vermillion at the center of her forehead.

"Babes...what happ..." Rahul's words died in his throat when his eyes fell on me. He was flabbergasted as I am a tiger and came into the middle of the street, obstructing his path.

I scowled at him. Babes! Really!

"Look honey, what did she do to your favorite dress?" Even her dress was smudged with the red sauce.

"Ridhi! How are you?" Rahul asked, shifting near me. Does he hold even one percent of shame to ask me that?

Watching Rahul showcasing his concern, Naina grabbed his hand and dragged him away. "Honey...let's go, we will miss our flight." I stood watching them fade from the group of people.

When I walked back to our gate, everyone was gone except Aryan and Prince. I didn't even have the tolerance to look at him, so I took the boarding pass he handed me and followed him. 

I tried to divert my brain from the incidents happening to me. First, the bedroom one where Aryan glanced at me atypically after I revealed that I hate him. It was true but I didn't want to spit at him in that manner. And second that unexpected encounter with Rahul.

As the flight took over I stared at the clouds out of the window. Only we three were in the first class of the flight and as usual, the silence between us was dead. Prince sat at the front. We both sat at the center of the first class and it was located on the top of the economy. When the air hostess offered us drinks, Aryan asked for a cup of coffee and I just shook my head, denying it. As I stared out of the window, I sensed Aryan staring at me for a few seconds. And I heard him sighing before resuming his work on his laptop. 

I tried to divert my brain by assuming illogical things. If I stand on the cloud, will it hold my weight or I will fall down? Is there a reach for the sky? They say stars always remain in the sky, will this plane clash with one of the stars?

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