3. A Part Where Ridhima Express Her Hatred

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I offered him a third cup of chai on the same day. He sipped it while I waited patiently for his response. This time the chai, I made was not exactly, but something similar to what I make in my cafe. But the word appreciation doesn't exists in his dictionary.

"Take out my tuxedo!" he ordered.

"Excuse me!"

"Ms. Sanskar," he pointed at his light blue-painted door wardrobe. "Open it and take out my tuxedo. A tie, and a watch. Do not waste my time by wondering...It's written in the contract you signed. Any objection will only lead you..."

"...behind the bars. For god sake I am not a criminal, So stop referring to it. Always."

I bragged while taking out a violet tuxedo with a vertical black strip. black shirt to wear inside. Blue tie and a black watch. 

Taking a place behind me, he rasped, "Ahh...now I got why you got cheated."

 "Did you just..."

"Your taste is not perfect."


"Here," he moved his hand forward and fished out a white button-up, black tie. "Watch.." twisting his whole lips, he commented, "...seems to be okay."

The scene that happened this morning in Aryan's room reminded me of Rahul's words: Before I wake up, you will bring my chai to my bed and then take out my clothes to work. 

I stared at Aryan. I am not married to him but I am standing in his bedroom. Offered him a chai and took out his clothes to work. "Now that you got some sense..." Aryan spoke, angling his head at me, "You can do better the other day."

And we stared with a quiet stillness in the eyes of each other. He cleared his throat and started to pull on the button-up, in front of me. "Set my breakfast on the table and from tomorrow I want to have my chai sharp at six."

"Ok. Sir!" I responded, in a silent tone and made my way to the door. 

Meanwhile, I pondered what should be my next step to annoy Aryan. Thankfully, I could have something heavy on breakfast. Boiled egg, toast with cheese creme which I never stated before, and orange juice. "Ms. Sanskar, I don't have any interest in going to the office, so set my office on the second floor. And a few of my employees will come too, so look at the computers of other cabins too."

"Ok, Sir!" I replied sweetly. Aryan glanced suspiciously at me. Seems like he has a problem if I accept his commands without debating. 

Within thirty minutes the necropolis silence of Aryan's bungalow turned into a street market chaos. Nearly twenty people arrived at the bungalow. Surprisingly second floor of the bungalow was nothing but a mini office with nearly ten cabins. Aryan's cabin was made of glass walls with a pot of different varieties of orchids. He asked me to water his plants. Then I sat all alone to myself. I had no work but to stare at the people coming and going into his office.

He had set a separate small round table with a laptop for me in which I was watching a Tom and Jerry show with my headphones plugged in. Whenever I giggled, Aryan raised his head and frowned at me, irritatively.

I shrieked a cry out of amusement and he just slammed the folder in his hand with anger.

"Restrain, Miss sanskar!" And he bragged at me.

"You assume it's intentional," I shook my head, convincing him, "I have nothing to do."

He just rubbernecked with fury at me. Instantly, he made a call to someone and commanded, "Come to my room with all the folders!"

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