8. A Part Where Ridhima Assumes She Is Pregnant

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Sitting and typing for a long duration during pregnancy is not that easy. Please ignore the mistakes or correct them, if you are interested in it. 

As many of them wanted to read the early update I decided to write one.


I couldn't rest properly since we had unprotected sex. My nights went with my research. And I found out that if a female has unprotected sex during her ovulation time, then nothing can stop her from getting pregnant. And I was in the ovulation stage of my menstrual cycle. 

A week has passed since the night I had sex with Aryan. And every night I had been experiencing a horrid dream of me holding a newborn baby in my hand. Whose father is the grumpy CEO of Aryan Industries.

It was four in the morning of Sunday when I woke up with a dream of having a baby bump of eight months. I decided to call Sam, my best friend.

"Sam I want to discuss the consequences of unprotected sex in an unsafe period."

"Ridhiii..." Her tone dragged. "It's only four. Please can we discuss this in the morning?"

"It's already morning." I reminded her.

"I mean at nine in the morning." She rephrased, emphasizing the word nine. 

"No, we will speak now. It's urgent. I am sure I will get pregnant, Sam."

"Then congratulations," and she cut the call.

If not her then my second best friend, Manik. I dialed his number.

"Manik listen next week I am gonna get pregnant because of the unprotected sex in an unsafe period," I rambled in one breath.

"RIDHIMA SANSKAR!!!" Samantha barked like a mad dog, answering her boyfriend's call. "Let us sleep in peace," and she cut the call without any pity on her friend's condition.

I am living my days at the tip of the iceberg and they are busy banging each other.

If not my best friend then the father of my unborn baby. I stepped out of my room and knocked on his door. "Aryan!" When I didn't receive any response from him, I banged on the door. Still, there was no response, so I decided to break the door.

I took a couple of steps back and a few more and then jogged towards his door with full energy. My shoulder didn't touch the door, but I landed directly on the bare chest of Aryan who just landed on the floor on his butt, holding me in his embrace for balance. He couldn't hide his wail out of pain. My palms rested on his bare chest. His muscular brown chest felt hard in my soft palm. It's no harm to run my hands all over his chest, considering we already had sex thrice a week ago. Ok. I confess Aryan is not my type but his muscular body is all I dream of having in my dream man.

"Ms. Sanskar." He sounded not at all romantic but irritated. "If you are here for sex then we can't. Maids are at home."

"What? No!"

I stood and so did he.

"In fact, I came to speak about our last intercourse."

"It's four."

"It's very important," I informed. "I may get pregnant." He stared blankly at me. I closed my eyes and huffed, "Because the sex we had was unprotected and I was in an unsafe period."

"Oh... okay."

Just okay! I am freaking out here with anxiety and he is as calm as spring storm.

"Mr. Malhotra, do you understand the severity of my condition? If I get pregnant I have to go through all consequences. I will be carrying a baby. Do you have any idea what changes will take place in my body? But for you.... it's...just oh...okay. Huh." I exhaled, throwing my hands in the air.

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