CH-9: First Blood

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I stared at Aunt May with pleading eyes, hoping to sway her decision.

"Come on, Aunt May," I whined, giving my best attempt at a puppy face. "I just want to visit it once more, it's been so long!"

May crossed her arms, her expression stern. "Eddy, you know I can't send a kid like you alone and it's halfway across New York, especially at this hour. Ben will be busy for the next few days in the lab and I can't go with you."

I sighed, understanding her concern. "Fine, Aunt May. I get it."

Deep down, I knew she was right. It wouldn't be safe for me to venture into the heart of the city alone even if technically I'm not alone but she doesn't know that.

Disappointment washed over me but I knew better than to argue with her. So I decided to resign myself back to my room.

I fell back on the bed, my eyes locked at the wooden ceiling, while with every passing moment, my mind was making a thousand theories about this scenario.

God, whatever organisation Jack was working with, I hope it's a small time thing like the Life or something alike but if it's a threat like Hydra or Spear.. or even Shield, I'm literally fucked.

I seriously need to visit the Brock residence, the sooner the better.

[I can get you there]

I blinked as I was broken out of my trance by the beastly growl of Venom.

"Where? To that house?" I asked, rising up from the laid back position.


"And why would you do that?" I hesitated, sceptical of Venom's intentions but the allure of uncovering Jack's secrets proved too tempting to resist.

[Because if you are right then you could be in danger and if you are in danger, it means I'm in danger]

"And why is that?" I perked up by its confession.
Knowing its weakness would surely help me in the long run, if the worst comes to worst I can use it as a bargaining chip.

I was not really an optimistic guy to think everything would just work my way, I know about this place, about this world, I was bound to make enemies one way or another.

It was always better to prepare than retaliate, that's why I love Batman, even if he is a pussy, he always has a solution to a problem, except for the Clown obviously.

[Let's just say you are too good of a host to throw away this soon and I like you]

Great, the Symbiote is a pedo.

"Fine." I grumbled, letting out a mental sigh of relief.
As the night fell, I once again found myself in front of Aunt May. Uncle Ben was missing from the dinner table.

May was right, he would be cooped up in his lab for a few days to clean up the mess Venom made. She had to leave the house to give him a change of clothes after supper and that's when I planned to snuck out.

I stood at the window sill next to my bedroom and fidgeted around nervously as I looked down at the lawn.

"God, I'm having second thoughts." I mumbled.

[You sure about this?]

"...Yep." I nodded and as soon as I said those words, the black goo began to envelop me once more but this time it was smooth, it started from my ankles and moved up.

Marvel: Rise of VenomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ