CH-35: Smooth Criminal

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I stood across a mirror as I adjusted my tux, the elegant green and silver pattern ran over the rim of the inner suit, the black coat giving an elite look.

Letting out a breath I looked at the reflection, my long black hair had been slicked back, the gray black iris radiated a ray of excitement with a gleam, the tux was tailor made perfectly to suit my body and it did its job.

The biggest concern I had about playing Victor was his height and the man himself. I can't do anything about the latter but the long pants had closed the former pretty well. It's not unnoticeable but I guess it makes up to a certain extent.

"Perfect." I muttered, tilting my head up, giving myself a look of judgment.

I nodded as I buckled up the cufflinks, which were a large D, the royal insignia of Latveria and walked out of the room.

The opposite door of the suite opened and Felicia stepped out, clad in a midnight black, long one piece with silver lining on the sides, her platinum blonde hair had been let loose as it flew and swung with her every step, she had a dot earrings, matching colors with her jade green eyes and a high heel to complete the form.

"So how do I look?" She asked, twirling around to give me a view.

"Like Cinderella." I replied casually.

She didn't speak, only raised her brow waiting for me to throw a sarcastic remark and I didn't disappoint her.

"Before she met the fairy godmother." I added with a smirk.

"Obviously." She mumbled rolling her eyes.

I chuckled following her to the living room, where Fox was waiting for us already.

"Madame and monsieur." Fox gave a bow.

"You look cool." I complimented as I appraised his attire, he looked exactly like a British butler anyone would imagine.

"And you look almost presentable." He replied, putting pressure on the almost.

Felicia chuckled from the sofa and Fox followed her example with a smirk.

I said nothing and continued to prick my dress to perfection.

"And you my dear." Fox turned around to Felicia, his nasty smirk transforming into a fatherly smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks Fox." She said, shooting a proud smile my way.

"I'm sure whoever takes you to the prom would be one lucky fella." The old man added.

"A prom?" Felicia asked, a strained scoff leaving her lips. "Please, school would be such a step down."

Fox shrugged and walked closer towards me, seeing I was struggling with my coat, he tapped my hands and began correcting the lining.

"You and suits have a problem, kiddo." Fox teased.

"I hate them." I replied.

He chuckled, wiping out the wrinkles from the suit, he patted my shoulders and gave me a nod.

"Hope you are ready for this." He said.

"I'm born ready." Felicia smirked.

"You waited forever to say that line didn't you?" I questioned with a smile.

"Oh yeah." Felicia grinned.

Our friendly batter came to an end as Fox pulled out our gadgets from a case, he passed me the hidden blade and Felicia got her Thief's cable, we both slid it under our clothes, the fabric hiding the weapons perfectly.

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