CH-14: End of Manfredi

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If you want to read up to 10+ chapters ahead go to my Patreón: Darkwolfest.


When I said this hit seemed simple, I was talking nonsense.

As I stared at the warehouses along the riverside, surrounded by henchmen, I realized just how much I had underestimated this crime family, even if they were almost non-existent.

Finding Manfredi's operational base wasn't too difficult, thanks to the information in the file. However, the kill had become challenging due to the sheer number of goons Silvio had surrounded himself with.

There had to be at least fifty of them, all armed. Not that it bothered me—I could handle myself. The real issue was getting close to them without alerting Silvio to my presence. If I was too late to reach him, he could slip away.

Definitely not something I was looking forward to.

The warehouse had a main entrance from the road, an opening in the roof, and a back gate by the port side. Entering through the main gate without alerting them was out of the question. That left me with the decaying tiled roofs and the shoreline where the waves crashed.

It was a simple decision to make.

I jumped into the water and started swimming quietly towards the shoreline, staying hidden under the moonlight as I moved closer.

Emerging from the water, I remained perfectly still as I observed a couple of men lazily transferring packages from a boat.

Carefully and silently, I approached them, making sure not to create any splashes that would draw their attention. I reached out to the side of the boat and leaped aboard.


My head snapped to the side as I turned to see a man a few steps behind, staring at me in shock.

"Uh... Hi?" I raised my hand casually.

His eyes widened, preparing to shout, but I was already advancing toward him, my claws extended, and plunged them into his chest and neck.

Lifting him into the air, I ripped open his abdomen with my claws and tossed him into the sea, staining the water a crimson red.

After disposing of the man, I took a moment to steady myself and let the adrenaline subside.

My gaze shifted from the boat to the men near the back entrance. One of them seemed to break away from their conversation and leisurely walked toward the bay.

Deciding to act swiftly, I dashed forward. Before he even realized my presence, I was in front of him. He took a step back in fear, but it was too late. I used my heightened strength to swiftly snap his neck.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell behind me.

I turned to see the other guard noticing me. His eyes narrowed at the lifeless body I was holding, and he instantly drew his gun.

"Fuck!" I cursed as he fired the first shot.

The bullet missed me by a wide margin, but I still instinctively ducked low and rushed forward. I knew that my presence had likely alerted every damn idiot within a mile radius. It was only a matter of time before a hail of bullets would be raining down on me.

"Fuck! Intruder!" I caught a glimpse of another guy emerging from my right. He yelled toward the men at the bay as I reached the back entrance.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" The guard continued firing at me, but I paid no attention and sprinted toward him, my claws fully extended.

Some of his shots grazed me as I closed in and swiped at his face, leaving a bloody gash.

I didn't waste time engaging with the remaining guard shooting at me. Instead, I immediately entered the warehouse.

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