Chapter 7: Not too much of a bad day.

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==A week later==
You are standing infront of a regular coffee machine. While looking at it you wonder if there is a strange coffee machine in this place. But you aren't too sure.

Y/n:"Only time will tell I guess"

You say taking your coffee and walking away. While walking you see a bunch of guards circled in one area with their weapons raised ready to shoot.

???:"Shoot me and this researcher is dying with me!"

You just sigh and look at the crowd once again. You see the person who is being circled despite the distance and it was another D-class you had befriended. Unlike you most of these guys aren't on good or neutral terms with the workers of the foundation. Same went for Rob who was holding a researcher while a bomb was strapped on him.

Y/n:"This idiot"

You whisper while looking. Normally you'd ignore something like this but by the looks of it he has multiple bombs and if one he really got shot then the bombs will have a chance of scattering and harming more people than intended.

Maria:"Rob's at it again isn't he?"

Y/n:"He's done this before?!"

Penny:"4 times exactly. The only reason he isn't dead is because his friends with an scp that refuses to cooperate with anyone else. Don't worry about him though. He won't cause any damage those are probably flash bangs or smoke grenades"

You nod at Penelope's words. Penelope is another D-class you know and she likes joking around alot. She's chill and the two of you get along well though you have been getting certain signals from her you aren't too sure about. She's also Maria's cellmate. 

Penny:"Augh! Can't believe i almost died today because of a severed hand"

Penny complains sitting down.

Maria:"You're complaining about an arm? I was told to say horrible jokes and tomatoes started flying at me each time I said one. I almost got a concussion from all of those tomatoes"

Maria complains aswell.

Penny:"What about you Y/n?"

Y/n:"Well I just went to get blood checked today"

You had met up with Glass yesterday and he asked to take some of your blood for some testing. Seeing nothing off you agreed.

Maria:"I wish I had your luck Y/n. You've only dealt with harmless things since coming here"

Penny:"Isn't that favouritism?"

Maria:"No. These people pick randomly so Y/n just got lucky

Y/n:"I ain't anyone's favourite"

Penny:"You're my favourite"


Penny winks at you.

???:"D-79,869. Follow me"

A guard approaches you and you follow him.


Dr Klaw:"Fascinating"

Dr Klaw says looking at a vile in his hands. It was your blood and he had run some tests on it. You indeed had 008 in your body but it wasn't aggressive in any way. Infact your body accepted it like your other blood cells and it moves around freely within your blood without harming

Dr gears had also seen the results and he was impressed and confused at the results. Dr Klaw and Dr gears were looking at the vile.

Dr Klaw:"Well we'll have to reclassify 008 once again. This is truly spectacular though. The virus had no effect on his body at all. What do you think could be the cause of this?"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now