Chapter 10: Annoying mask

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==Site 17==
Y/n:"No wonder there's always a containment breach. This place is the definition of boring"

You complain while laying on the ground. In this chamber there is literally nothing to do. No TV, no books, no fridge, no couch but the only thing you have is a bed and a room with alot of space and a bathroom that is the only place that has privacy.

Y/n:"I wanna ditch this joint"

A time of 1 day and 12 hours had passed after your containment and in that time the only thing you had to accompany you was the small ball and that was about it. Dr Kondraki said he'll try getting more things for you but your patience is leaving you.

You have wasted 5 hours playing with that tennis ball by throwing it against the wall over and over again. Then you slept for the other hours. This place is like a mental asylum and you want out. You stand up from your bed and walk infront of the reinforced glass that the researchers use to look at you. You punch the glass causing it to shake Abit and then you glare at the researchers on the other side.

Y/n:"I'm bored"

You say as your skin starts to blacken but it stops once you hear the door opening. Kondraki walks in.

Dr Kondraki:"SCP 7043, it's time for testing follow me"

You pull your hand from the glass and you follow Kondraki.

Y/n:"So buddy how've you been?"

Dr Kondraki:"Good though the other researchers don't like it when you scare them like that"

You smile while shrugging.

Y/n:"What can I say. I like to joke around"

Dr Kondraki:"I wasn't telling you to stop but I must warn you. The scp you will encounter will be different from the ones you've met"

Y/n:"Is anything in this place the same?"

Dr Kondraki:"Good point, also-"

You blink and Kondraki is gone. You take a step back in surprise and then turn around but the people behind you are also gone.

Y/n:"What's going on?"


A voice echoes through the halls. You turn around but you don't find anyone but once you turn around once again you see a black humanoid with alot of eyes staring at you and the figure was close very close. It is just a few inches from you and it looks like you slightly but more distorted.

???:"You're weird. Are you really my....."

The figure stops and disappears then you are back to standing behind the walking Kondraki. You stop and look around surprised.

Y/n:'Where did it go?'



Kondraki:"Is everything alright?"

You scratch your head.

Y/n:"Yeah I think I was just lost in thought"

Kondraki:"Well try not to think too much but as I was saying I can supply you with a few books to read. Giving you a phone would be risky though since there is a high chance of you exposing information"

Y/n:"I guess that makes sense. So what kind of testing are we doing?"

Kondraki:"Well first I want to cross test you with another SCP and after that we want to test the limits of your abilities"

Y/n:"Well that doesn't sound as bad as I thought"

Kondraki chuckles and it worries you.

Kondraki:"You don't know about the tests you'll be doing, do you?"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now