Chapter 14: Hard to Kill.

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You and Clef are now staring at each other none daring to blink. One stared  with seriousness while the other stared in shock.

Y/n:"Wow, You've got three eyes... That's cool"

You compliment honestly impressed.

Clef:"And you must be Euclid class 7403, Am I correct?"

Y/n:"Spot on"

Kondraki gets in between the two pushing you back so he was infront of Clef who looked at him bored.

Kondraki:"What are you doing here, Clef?"

Clef:"Not even a greeting? Well I'm Abit hurt"

Clef says before regaining his unusual smile and tuning his ukulele.

Clef:"But no use in lying. 7403 has been recognized for his ever growing abilities and the 05 want to see if he can deal with our reptile problem Aswell as getting Sophia's little team"

Bright:"I should have expected the news got to them already"

Y/n:"Wait what are you all talking about?"

You ask confused as to what they could be talking about.

Clef:"Well 7403, You are going to be interacting with another SCP"

After those words escaped his mouth, you couldn't help but groan. You participated in the last cross testing and almost died and not even half a day later they want you to do it again.

Y/n:"Look, I got beat bad last time. I"

You put air quotes.

Y/n:"Interacted with another SCP. How about doing this another time?"

You say trying to sound polite. Clef starts laughing all of a sudden.

Clef:"Who said you had a say in any of this?"

Clef says and from his tone alone. You knew this guy was a nut job, How did you know that?

You turn to stare at Iris, Bright and Abel before turning back to Clef.

Y/n:"I'm starting to get sick of you people always forcing me to do stuff I don't wanna do"

You snap at Clef. He was surprised by your response and an almost normal smile formed on his face.

Clef:"And here I thought you would just listen to me like a loyal mutt but turns out you have some backbone in you"

Clef says walking closer to you. Then without warning he reaches into his coat extremely fast but due to your high reflexes you manage to catch his hand as he pulls out a shotgun.

You're eyes widen. How did he even manage to hide that thing in his coat?

Clef tries stabbing you with a needle using the other hand but you catch the other hand aswell. You apply a little grip on his hands which causes him to grunt in pain.

Y/n:"Look. I'm trying to be nice here but you are making it hard for me"

You say baring your sharp teeth at Clef.

Clef:"Looks like they weren't trying to scare me when they said you were dangerous"

Kondraki:"As much as I hate to do this. Y/n let him go"

You look over your shoulder and at Kondraki with a raised eyebrow.

Kondraki:"Clef is someone of high important in the foundation and if you were to cause him harm. They would change you to a keter. Meaning you will be put in a more secure cell and all the things you have will be taken away"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now