Chapter 13: You forgot

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==An hour later==

096 had regenerated completely but instead of attacking you, He went back in his cell without passing you a single glance, Speaking of you.

You on the other hand were still a complete mess. While Iris was panicking.

Iris:"This is not good. My best friend is an SCP, He can turn into a monster and all of this is happening because of me!"

Kondraki:"Calm down 105, 7403 is fine and-"

Iris:"No! He isn't! I know you people and I know the sick experiments you conduct on SCP, I've seen that lizard you keep trying to kill and I'm not going to let you treat Y/n the same way!"


Able:"..... That was unexpected"

Iris pants trying to calm herself down.

Bright:"Iris, Y/n is fine Ben here hasn't done or allowed anything bad to happen to him. They did a few tests and that's it nothing harmful besides it would be unfair for us to treat someone who's helped us like that...... Though I can't say majority of the workers will agree with us"

Iris:"Of course they won't. Wait where's Y/n?"

She asks and everyone looks around. He was gone but before they could panic they here the sound of boiling coming from behind the sofa. They walk over there and they see a tentacle wrapped around the water cooler boiling it, looking at the tentacle they see Y/n standing a few meters from said water cooler.



Kondraki:"What are you doing?"

Y/n:"Making holy water"

Bright:"But that's normal water, how are you gonna do that?"



Y/n:"By boiling the hell out of it"

Everyone falls silent while staring at you.

==Another hour later==

Y/n:"So you are SCP 105"

Iris nods with a smile. You can't lie you were expecting this honestly.

Able:"I wish to fight you again warrior"

Able interrupts the two of you. He gets infront of you with a smile.

Y/n:"How about we do that another time?"

Able nods in understanding.

Able:"So you and the pacifist know each other?"

Y/n:"Yeah. We were best friends and still are before and after all of this happened"


Iris:"Wait! Why do you act so humble around Y/n?!"

Able:"It is because I respect those that are just as strong or stronger than me and Y/n is stronger than me while you"

Able looks Iris up and down.

Able:"You just go pick some flowers or something"

Iris looks at Able ready to attack at any moment but Y/n's mouth opens and a tentacle shoots out grabbing Iris by the hand before she could do anything. The tentacle retracts before she could see anything however.

Y/n:"Calm down Iris and Able"


Y/n:"The last time I saw you, You had turned to dust so how are you back to normal?"

I used to be normal(Male reader x SCP)Where stories live. Discover now