Chapter 1

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important a/n at end of chapter 

(also King Vegeta is a douche i am sorry) 

The scene starts out on planet Vegeta 

A painful scream was heard through the hallways of the castle. King Vegeta was observing his son's training with Nappa, his head whipped around when he heard it. Instant panic through his body recognizing the scream of the queens, He started running through the halls to the healer's room. His queen was pregnant again, 10 years after Vegeta was born. They never expected to be having a girl as it was rare for his bloodline, King Vegeta was excited for her but also scared cause he never had a sister and had no knowledge of raising a daughter.

As King Vegeta got closer with every step he could hear the screams getting louder and louder, he couldn't help but panic. His mind was full of confusion as his mate never went through this with Vegeta. They knew that with giving birth to a female saiyan there were usually complications but he thought his mate was strong enough to beat the odds. He hadn't imagined or thought of what could happen if those complications appeared. He rounded the corner and approached the door, he barged in prepared for anything. Eyes searching through the room of healers working and his eyes landed on her. He rushed to her side shoving a few people to the side in the process.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING? SOMEONE NEEDS TO TELL ME NOW!" His voice bellowed through the room and could probably be heard in the hallways if not the whole castle.

"Sssir it seems that her body isn't responding well to the labor your majesty," the head nurse said from the other side the bed as she put a fresh wet towel on the queen's forehead.

"Vegeta.... I don't think I'm gonna make it through this but I know you'll be strong....AHHHHH" The queen said before she broke out into another scream letting the nurse know it was time to get the baby out.

"You don't talk like that everything will be fine..." King Vegeta looked down to see his daughter had come out but also a ton of blood. He looked up at his mate to see she was now unconscious. In a few seconds, everything went to crap

"FIX HER!" The king screamed at the nurses barely acknowledging the child now as his queen was the only thing on his mind.

He couldn't imagine raising the kid that killed his mate. He watched the nurses most of them were working on the queen while a couple were attending to the child and cleaning her from the mess.

Nurses were running around the room trying to do what they could. Fear filled all of them knowing what was coming.

After a few minutes, a long consistent beep filled the room, the nurses that were working on the queen slowly came to a stop when they heard. Afraid to look at their King because they knew they has just lost the Queen.

King Vegeta had a look of shock, like he couldn't believe what was happening "You need to DO something" he said almost desperately to them, he couldn't fathom the idea of being alone and he now loathed the idea of having to see the child whole stole his life.

The nurses turned to him with a sad facial expressions concerned about what he would now do" I I'm vvery sorry King Vegeta there isn't anything we can do she has lost too much blood..." the head nurse said with a stutter she couldn't believe that the person she cared for her whole life was now gone. The room fell into a very deafening quietness as the King was stuck in his thoughts of what to do next.

How was he to tell Vegeta that he lost his mom, that the birth of his sister caused his mother to bleed out? The thought of having that daughter grow up in that castle made the King very mad.

He glared at the baby in the growing pod before harshly stating, "Once that thing is ready it will be sent off of this planet, I never wanna see that child AGAIN!" He started stalking out of the room before turning back to the head nurse stating firmly
"You're in charge of seeing this through! If anything doesn't go as planned it'll be YOUR HEAD!" He screamed before leaving and slamming the door in the process. He walked back to the training room quickly but with a stone-cold face, but he couldn't let his emotions show he needed to be strong for his kingdom and especially his son.

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