Chapter 25

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Some time had passed since that day and life had been pretty peaceful, you were at least 3 months pregnant and you were now experiencing the pleasantries of pregnancy.


Your morning sickness was the one part you looked forward to, at least it was consistent, over the past month you had begun to notice changes, morning sickness being the first followed by, swollen feet, backaches, and headaches, and you found a lot of your energy just wasn't there like it was.

You had talked to Bulma about it after Goku's relentless bugging and hovering, he had noticed the change of energy in the 2nd month but you told him you were fine. It worked until he caught you catching your breath after just looking to get something from the kitchen.

She said that it was something similar to what she went through, she gave you some medication that she took and it helped but you had to take it easy, which wasn't something that was easy for you.

You didn't like being told what to do or how to do it, and lately, it just felt like you couldn't do anything yourself without someone worrying.

You were currently sitting on a blanket reading one of the books Bulma gave you, you were at the lake by the house because the boys wanted to go fishing before dinner and Goku didn't want you to be alone in the house.

"MOM!" Gotens voice brought your head out of the book, you put your finger in the page and looked around to see no one.

"Goten? Goku?" You looked side to side not seeing anyone

"We are right here" Goten laughed

You blinked your eyes thinking maybe you were getting bad vision, you looked around again before remembering to turn around

You swiveled in your spot to see Goten holding up a big fish with a proud-looking Goku beside him

"Oh wow! That's huge! I think that's bigger than any fish I've seen your dad catch" You gave Goku a teasing look

"Hey! I can catch a bigger fish!"

You and Goten broke out into laughter at his competitiveness, when you stopped laughing Goten looked at you with wide hopeful eyes

"Can we have it for dinner?"

"Of course!" You smiled making Goten jump up and down with joy

"Race you home Dad!" He took off running with the fish over his shoulder

You went to get up when a backache started making you falter

"Hey I got you," Goku said while grabbing your arm and helping you up, and then grabbing the stuff on the ground

"Thank you but I could have done it," you said trying to grab the stuff from him

"Nuh uh I'm gonna carry this back" he held it away from you, out of your reach so your grabs to get it were useless

"Why can't I do it?" you questioned, a hint of annoyance in your voice.

"You can I just don't want you to" Goku shrugged, extending his arm as an invitation to walk back together

"Fine," you conceded, interlocking your arm with his and proceeding toward the house, where an eager young chef awaited the chance to cook his prized fish.


You were currently laying on the couch, you had made dinner when you guys got back and fed the three of you, Goku and Goten wanted to go do some training so they were currently out of the house.

Lost and Found (Goku x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now